Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Collaborate with management advisory board for the RCMP

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In June 2019, the Government of Canada established the Management Advisory Board (MAB) to provide expert external advice and guidance to the RCMP Commissioner on key modernization and management matters.

The MAB is an independent group of 13 external experts, mandated through the RCMP Act.

Why it matters

MAB members bring diverse perspectives and guidance to help the RCMP address current and emerging challenges and strengthen transparency and accountability.

February 2024


In December 2023, Professor Angela Campbell, an inaugural Board member, was appointed as Chairperson of the Board, following the resignation of Kent Roach in September 2023. There are currently 11 active board members.

Management Advisory Board members continue to travel to divisions/detachments across Canada to familiarize the Board with front-line operations and management in rural and urban detachments.

Since its inception, the MAB has advised on a number of RCMP issues, including on the implementation of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution, which was launched in June 2021 and helps resolve matters relating to harassment at the RCMP. Most recently, the MAB has developed reports on Indigenous recruitment and the sustainability of Federal Policing, both of which will soon be available on their website.

In the interest of enhanced transparency and accountability, the RCMP has recently begun posting responses to MAB recommendations, and that information can be found here.

August 2023


A new Management Advisory Board (MAB) Chairperson was appointed in January 2023, and a new Vice-Chairperson appointed in February 2023. The MAB also welcomed new and returning members in June 2023, bringing membership to 11.

Management Advisory Board members have been travelling to divisions/detachments across Canada to familiarize the Board with front-line operations and management in rural and urban detachments.

  • In spring 2023, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson traveled to British Columbia and Yukon where they met with RCMP members and external stakeholders
  • Trips to other locations across Canada are planned for throughout 2023 to help newly-appointed and returning members enhance their knowledge

In response to Management Advisory Board's 2022 Cadet Training Program advisory report, the RCMP has provided two Management Response Action Plan updates to the Management Advisory Board on its efforts to implement the report's recommendations on the modernization of the RCMP's training program and experience at Depot. The RCMP will continue to provide biannual updates to Management Advisory Board until all recommendations have been implemented.

Over the last year, the RCMP has participated in and supported the work of two ongoing Management Advisory Board taskforces—one on Federal Policing transformation and one on Indigenous recruitment—by providing Management Advisory Board with requested information and making RCMP personnel available for focus group discussions.

Work is underway to address a May 2023 Ministerial Directive issued to the RCMP Commissioner on how the RCMP interacts with the Management Advisory Board and considers its advice. The RCMP provided a report to the Minister in June 2023 detailing how it is working with the Management Advisory Board.

May 2022


The MAB continues to advise the RCMP on its modernization efforts. To date, it has focused on providing guidance to improve the RCMP's workplace culture. This included significant input into the renewal of the RCMP core values and the creation of an organizational values statement, and advice to help increase the recruitment of Indigenous regular members.

The MAB meets four times annually and has two standing committees and taskforces focused on specific issues, which meet throughout the year.

Recently, the MAB's Training and Education Taskforce focused on the Cadet Training Program and completed a two-day visit to the RCMP's training facility, known as Depot, in April 2022. They met with the Commanding Officer, the curriculum design team, course facilitators and cadets. The Board will share their finding and corresponding recommendations in a formal report to the RCMP Commissioner in June 2022.

In December 2021, the Prime Minister mandated the Minister of Public Safety to further enhance the MAB to create an oversight role over the RCMP in line with other Canadian police services. In May 2022, the Minister mandated the Commissioner to ensure the MAB is fully supported as it takes on a greater oversight role.

February 2021


The Management Advisory Board continues to meet regularly with the Commissioner and RCMP senior management to support RCMP modernization.

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