A day in the life of a Musical Ride member
A day in the life of a Musical Ride member
(Multiple male and female riders work together to pull hay through the stalls and feed the horses.)
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(A rider polishes a boot.)
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(A rider cleans out a horse's stall.)
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Hard work.
(Multiple riders get their horses prepared to ride.)
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These are characteristics needed to be part of the RCMP Musical Ride.
(Multiple horses, mounted by riders, walk towards the camera.)
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At the centre of it all are our horses and our riders.
(A horse, mounted by a female rider, walks up to the camera.)
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Here's what a typical day for a rider is like when they're not on tour.
(A male employee drives a tractor through the stalls and stables to clean the floor.)
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07:00 – First up: clean and refresh the stalls.
(A rider sweeps the floor of the stalls.)
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First up: clean and refresh the stalls.
(Two riders wash their horses.)
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07:30 – It's time to groom the horses to keep them healthy.
(A male rider brushes his horse.)
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It's time to groom the horses to keep them healthy.
(Multiple horses, mounted by riders, walk on a path.)
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08:00 – Let's ride!
(Horses training in an outdoor riding arena.)
(Multiple riders work together to give hay to the horses.)
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09:30 – After the ride, it's time to get the horses their breakfast.
(Multiple riders sweep the stables.)
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And keep things clean.
(A female rider walks to the break room.)
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09:45 – Break time!
(Multiple riders clean their horses' tack.)
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10:00 – Taking care of our equipment.
(A horse eats hay in its stall.)
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10:45 – Hay! It's time for the horses to have a snack while we sweep up.
(Horses walk in an outdoor riding arena.)
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11:30 -- After lunch, we do it all over again . . .
(Shot of the area above the door to the Riding Centre building reads: RCMP 1939.)
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15:00 – Time to call it a day!
(A male rider exits the building and nods to the camera.)
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Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Gendarmerie royale du Canada signature
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2020.
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Canada Wordmark
The use of this video is restricted for the promotion of RCMP Musical Ride performance(s). You must receive prior written consent from the RCMP Intellectual Property Office for any other use.
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