2021 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - C Division


Advisory committees in C Division, including the GHAC, did not meet in 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic. However, C Division maintained some key activities, as detailed in this report.


Increase the knowledge and understanding of C Division employees regarding the RCMP's vision of equity, diversity, inclusivity, gender equality and harassment. Foster and promote an inclusive and respectful workplace to support employee health and wellness.

Current situation

The various committees dedicated to equity, diversity, inclusivity, gender equality and harassment have been grouped together under the GHAC in C Division. Activities completed in 2020 are listed in Appendix A.

Next steps

In 2021, C Division will continue to initiate, participate in and promote events related to equity, diversity, inclusivity, gender equality and harassment. GHAC activities should resume in the early months of the year. We are awaiting the launch of the new national recruiting campaign to fill our vacancies (4).


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