2018 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - National Division


National Division's Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee held its first meeting on February 28, 2018 whereby the Committee members undertook a review of the Terms of Reference. At that time, there were discussions surrounding how best to align the various other Divisional committees with mandates that touch on gender, inclusivity, equality and harassment within the workplace.

Current status

National Division's Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee has convened 2 meetings in FY17/18. In addition to reviewing the Terms and Reference, along with identifying a Committee Chair and Secretary, these meetings have been focussed on gaining a better understanding of the current landscape within the RCMP, as it pertains to portfolios and services that touch on, or could inform, the way forward relative to gender, inclusivity, equality, and harassment in the workplace. This, in addition to the breadth of experience around the table, has served to inform a broader environmental scan and SWOT analysis, which is now serving to influence the development of a strategy that will guide the committee this FY. The focus of this committee will be on addressing gaps within the Division, through the implementation of innovative initiatives aimed at leveraging existing training, developing new training; recruiting, attracting and retaining a diverse workforce; and communication and promotion. In addition, efforts are currently underway to engage National Division employee feedback relative to these issues via a survey, which will serve, not only to inform and validate the strategy developed but will function as the baseline upon which the committee measures its performance moving forward.

Next steps

  • In order to ensure alignment and to further optimize Divisional/organizational efforts towards the realization of these goals, the Division has initiated a review of its committees, which will be completed early FY18/19.
  • In addition to the committee members, National Division has engaged its Employee Health and Wellness team and Communications unit, as ad hoc members, given the alignment between the committee's mandate and the overall health and wellness mandate, along with the critical role that communication plays relative to the success of any initiative.
  • Recognizing the importance of this committee's mandate, along with the RCMP's broader mandates associated with cultural reformation and modernization, National Division has made the decision to convene this committee a minimum of 9 times per year, in order to support the implementation of identified initiatives while proactively addressing emerging issues.
  • The committee is currently in the process of developing a survey that will be distributed to all National Division employees that will further inform the initiatives that will be identified within the Committee's strategic plan for FY18/19. In addition, the information generated from this survey will serve as the baseline upon which the committee/Division will measure its annual performance relative to these issues. The survey will be rolled out in the Fall 2018.
  • Finally, the committee has commenced the process of developing its strategic plan, based on the analysis that has been done to date, which will identify key initiatives that are relevant to the Division and the organization. Given the breadth of this committees mandate, it was determined that a refined approach would allow the committee to focus its efforts on initiatives that would generate the greatest impact within the Division and ultimately achieve the desired results.

Prepared by: Melissa Rusk
Director, Corporate and Strategic Services
Approved by: A. CO, Supt. Eric Simard

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