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Royal Canadian Mounted Police

The National DNA Data Bank of Canada - Annual Report 2021-2022

On this page

  1. Alternate formats
  2. List of charts
  3. List of tables
  4. List of acronyms and abbreviations
  5. Message from the Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  6. Quick facts
  7. Essential services throughout a worldwide pandemic
  8. The National DNA Data Bank
  9. Offender and forensic hits
  10. Convicted offender submissions
  11. Processing of biological samples
  12. Comparing DNA profiles
  13. International participation
  14. Privacy of information
  15. The value of secondary designated offence submissions
  16. Success stories
  17. National DNA Data Bank advisory committee
  18. Key statistics
  19. Financial statement
  20. Footnotes

Alternate formats

List of charts

List of tables

List of acronyms and abbreviations

Bachelor of Arts
Coronavirus disease
Deoxyribonucleic acid
International Criminal Police Organization
Information technology
Ph. D.
Doctor of Philosophy
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Message from the Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Brenda Lucki

I am pleased to present the 2021-2022 National DNA Data Bank annual report and to acknowledge the incredible work of the National DNA Data Bank and all of its partners, particularly over the last two years. During this period, the National DNA Data Bank continued to adapt and maintain its operational and technological services to help serve and protect Canadians, even during the global pandemic.

This unprecedented time in history impacted everyone on various levels. Personally, people struggled to secure care for dependents when schools closed. Professionally, organizations had to pivot to ensure employees were safe, secure, and able to continue working given their own unique circumstances. At times, this involved providing technological support to employees to help facilitate the transition to working remotely.

The National DNA Data Bank operates in a unique controlled environment and uses highly specialized equipment, which made it impossible for hands on laboratory work to be done remotely. Instead, protocols to safely and efficiently keep essential laboratory operations running were implemented and employees at all levels remained flexible and committed to supporting investigations.

Despite the restrictive measures introduced by the pandemic, the National DNA Data Bank now stores more than 600,000 DNA profiles in the criminal indices. This has produced over 79,000 matches that have helped law enforcement agencies identify suspects and victims, link crime scenes, and solve active cases.

The National Missing Persons DNA Program also continues to grow. It now contains approximately 1,600 DNA profiles in its database. We continue to work with partner agencies so that we can provide answers to the families and friends of missing persons when possible.

The feature article and success stories in this report highlight how the National DNA Data Bank forged ahead and continued to assist the law enforcement and criminal justice communities during the pandemic. Their achievements are impressive and I am proud of the work and dedication of all National DNA Data Bank employees, which speaks to their resiliency and continued service to Canadians.

Brenda Lucki

Quick facts

Essential services throughout a worldwide pandemic

National DNA Data Bank employees were at work when the stay at home orders came down in late March 2020. They were taking in DNA submissions from convicted offenders and from missing person investigations, and maintaining essential services to support Canadian law enforcement agencies.

Within a few weeks, the National DNA Data Bank, in close consultation with the Divisional Emergency Operations Centres, established protocols to safely and effectively keep essential operations running. As an accredited and secure DNA facility, decontamination procedures and Personal Protective Equipment were already in place to ensure the proper handling of DNA samples; however, physical distancing and close monitoring of product supply chains introduced new measures that needed to be adhered to. Managers created rotating work schedules for operational employees, including non-routine hours and the provision of IT tools necessary to securely meet, communicate, perform administrative work, and in some cases work completely from home.

During this time, the criminal justice system faced similar challenges. Courts were not operating as usual thus reducing the number of DNA orders issued. In addition, in-person attendance at court (required for effective DNA collection in many court houses) was prohibited or very limited during the first few months of the pandemic. Moreover, police resources had to be coordinated in response to the pandemic and maintain essentials duties.

Submissions to the National DNA Data Bank continued to be affected during the pandemic. Compared to 2019-20, the submissions to the National DNA Data Bank were reduced by 38 % in 2020-21 and 24% in 2021-22. The lower decrease in 2021-22 shows a gradual return to normal service levels.

Public forensic laboratories at the RCMP and in Ontario and Quebec also continued to operate at varying levels of capacity throughout the pandemic. The forensic laboratories' DNA crime scene profile submissions to the national index were reduced by 19% in 2020-21 of what was sent in 2019-20 and 11% in 2021-22. The National DNA Data Bank made 4,327 DNA matches in 2020-21 and 5,622 DNA matches in 2021-22 compared to 6,857 matches in 2019-20. Again, these numbers suggest a gradual return to pre-pandemic operations The chart below illustrates the number of convicted offender submissions received, the number of profiles added to the crime scene index and number of associations made during the past 3 years.

Chart 1: Impact of COVID-19 on the National DNA Data Bank

To view the graphical content, JavaScript must be enabled.

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Convicted offender submissions received 6857 4327 5622
DNA Profiles added in Crime Scene Index 6857 4327 5622

Chart 2: Impact of COVID-19 on the National DNA Data Bank - associations made

To view the graphical content, JavaScript must be enabled.

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Associations made 6857 4327 5622

The National Missing Persons DNA Program also continued to operate at varying levels of capacity throughout the pandemic. Since its creation, the National DNA Data Bank has reported 40 DNA associations that have assisted in the identification of unidentified human remains.

Two years later, with many in the Canadian population becoming fully vaccinated, restrictions on gathering and attendance are gradually being lifted. There has been nothing positive about the pandemic, except that the National DNA Data Bank, and its dedicated personnel, have weathered the storm and have come out stronger and more prepared should another emergency present itself.

The National DNA Data Bank

The National DNA Data Bank is a centralized collection of over half a million DNA profiles that helps investigators across the country solve a range of crimes. The main goals are simple:

On behalf of the Government of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is the steward of the National DNA Data Bank, which operates for the benefit of Canada's entire law enforcement community.

The DNA Identification Act allows the National DNA Data Bank to maintain the following indices (databases):

The Convicted Offenders Index, Crime Scene Index, Victims Index and Voluntary Donors Index provide assistance to criminal investigations as follows:

As part of the National Missing Persons DNA Program, the National DNA Data Bank maintains the Missing Persons Index, Relatives of Missing Persons Index and Human Remains Index to support humanitarian investigations at the national level. These indices allow DNA profiles developed from biological samples and other items collected and submitted by police, coroners and medical examiners to be compared to other DNA profiles in the National DNA Data Bank. The DNA profiles in the Relatives of Missing Persons Index are only compared to those in the Missing Persons Index and the Human Remains Index.

Offender and forensic hits

When the National DNA Data Bank first began operating in 2000, it contained few DNA profiles. As more DNA profiles are added to the National DNA Data Bank over the years, a greater number of matches are made in less time.

Chart 3: Offender chart 3 footnote 1 and forensic chart 3 footnote 2 hits

To view the graphical content, JavaScript must be enabled.

Fiscal year Offender hits Forensic hits
2000-01 18 7
2001-02 218 9
2002-03 526 34
2003-04 1,110 132
2004-05 1,114 198
2005-06 1,992 331
2006-07 1,941 372
2007-08 1,976 324
2008-09 2,608 381
2009-10 3,095 381
2010-11 3,941 298
2011-12 3,437 353
2012-13 4,037 343
2013-14 4,097 325
2014-15 4,385 411
2015-16 5,044 578
2016-17 4,946 562
2017-18 5,298 453
2018-19 6,583 708
2019-20 6,202 655
2020-21 3,971 356
2021-22 5,031 chart 3 footnote 3 591 chart 3 footnote 3

Chart 3 footnotes

Chart 3 footnote 1

An offender hit is a match between DNA found at a crime scene and DNA of a convicted offender.

Return to chart 3 footnote 1 referrer

Chart 3 footnote 2

A forensic hit is a match of DNA profiles found at separate crime scenes.

Return to chart 3 footnote 2 referrer

Chart 3 footnote 3

The global pandemic continued to impact the volume of submissions to the National DNA Data Bank throughout 2021-22.

Return to chart 3 footnote 3 referrer

Convicted offender submissions

Every year, the National DNA Data Bank processes convicted offender submissions consisting of:

Before executing a new DNA order or authorization, a police officer must query the Canadian Police Information Centre to determine whether a convicted offender's DNA profile is already in the National DNA Data Bank. Endorsements therefore consist only of fingerprints and documentation. The endorsement process ensures that a convicted offender's DNA profile will remain in the National DNA Data Bank if:

When the National DNA Data Bank receives either a biological sample or an endorsement submission, the documentation is reviewed to ensure that the DNA order was issued for a criminal offence for which DNA can legally be collected and that the offender's personal information required for the submission is complete and accurate.

All convicted offender submissions are recorded in the National DNA Data Bank's internal tracking system without any of the offender's personal information. Documentation for convicted offender biological sample and endorsement submissions are sent to the RCMP's Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services so they can be certified; associated with an individual by fingerprint comparison; and recorded in the individual's criminal record.

Processing of biological samples

Convicted offender samples

When someone is found guilty of committing a designated offence for which a biological sample can be obtained, the judge has the choice to issue a DNA order. However, for some designated offences, such as murder, the judge must issue an order. A trained peace officer will then collect a biological sample from that person by taking a blood, buccal or hair sample. The National DNA Data Bank is responsible for processing all convicted offender biological samples and entering the DNA profiles derived from these samples into the Convicted Offenders Index.

Kits designed specifically for the National DNA Data Bank are used for collecting biological samples from offenders. There are three types of kits available:

  • Blood: The sample is obtained by using a sterile lancet to prick the fingertip
  • Buccal: The inside of the mouth is rubbed with a foam applicator to obtain skin cells
  • Hair: Six to eight hairs are pulled out with the root sheath attached

Although all three types of biological samples have been legally approved for collection, more than 98% of samples taken from convicted offenders are blood samples. The National DNA Data Bank encourages the collection of blood samples because blood has proven to be more reliable than hair or buccal samples in generating high-quality DNA profiles.

Crime scene and victim samples

Crime scene DNA evidence is collected by police investigators and examined by forensic laboratories across Canada to generate DNA profiles. Only a DNA profile derived from a designated offence can be added to the National DNA Data Bank's Crime Scene Index or the Victims Index. The National DNA Data Bank is also responsible for removing victims' DNA profiles in accordance with the DNA Identification Act. The following public forensic laboratories are authorized to add DNA profiles to the Crime Scene Index and Victims Index:

  • The RCMP National Forensic Laboratory Services in Ottawa, Edmonton and Surrey;
  • The Centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario; and
  • The Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale in Montréal, Quebec.

Voluntary donor samples

Samples collected from voluntary donors during the course of a criminal investigation of a designated offence are processed by a public forensic laboratory. If the resulting DNA profile provides a potential benefit to the investigation, it is added to the National DNA Data Bank's Voluntary Donors Index. Voluntary donor samples collected as part of a humanitarian investigation are provided to the National DNA Data Bank for processing and added to the Voluntary Donors Index. The National DNA Data Bank is responsible for removing voluntary donors' DNA profiles in accordance with the DNA Identification Act.

Missing persons, relatives of missing persons and human remains samples

Processing of samples from missing persons, relatives of missing persons and found human remains falls within the National Missing Persons DNA Program. This program is a partnership between the National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains and the National DNA Data Bank. The role of National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains is to act as a single point of contact for investigators. As such, National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains authorizes the submissions to the National DNA Data Bank for missing persons and human remains investigations.

Under the DNA Identification Act, the National DNA Data Bank is responsible for maintaining the humanitarian indices and also for:

  • receiving biological samples from submitting agencies and developing DNA profiles;
  • receiving DNA profiles from approved laboratories for technical review;
  • interpreting and comparing DNA profiles from human remains, relatives of missing persons and personal belongings from missing persons;
  • adding and removing DNA profiles in the Human Remains Index, Relatives of Missing Persons Index and Missing Persons Index in accordance with the legislation;
  • issuing and explaining kinship and identity association reports; and
  • providing scientific advice and support to National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains and investigators, as required.

To better serve the National Missing Persons DNA Program, the National DNA Data Bank introduced technologies for the isolation and characterization of DNA. Specifically, it introduced procedures for the development of DNA profiles from personal effects and hard tissue samples, such as bone and teeth. In addition, the National DNA Data Bank validated procedures to analyze the Y-chromosome and utilize an advanced technology using Next Generation Sequencing, which allows for mitochondrial DNA analysis.

Comparing DNA profiles

The DNA profiles in the National DNA Data Bank are compared using the Combined DNA Index System, which is a secure network and software program developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Justice, and provided to the RCMP for use by the National DNA Data Bank. Combined DNA Index System has become an internationally accepted tool for many forensic laboratories, allowing DNA profile information to be compared using a standard, secure format. In Canada, the National DNA Data Bank uses Combined DNA Index System for daily comparisons of DNA profiles. Each new DNA profile entered into one of the National DNA Data Bank's DNA indices is automatically compared against all existing profiles contained in other DNA indices as permitted by the DNA Identification Act.

International participation

The National DNA Data Bank shares DNA information with international investigating authorities through an international DNA Information Sharing Agreement with INTERPOL. This agreement is approved by the Government of Canada and is limited to investigations and prosecutions of designated offences or investigations involving missing persons and unidentified human remains.

Since the first international agreement was signed in 2002, the National DNA Data Bank has received 1,940 incoming international requests related to criminal investigations to search the Convicted Offenders Index, the Crime Scene Index, the Missing Persons Index and the Human Remains Index. These searches produced 9 offender hits and 12 forensic hits. Furthermore, the National DNA Data Bank has sent 366 requests related to criminal investigations to other INTERPOL countries for comparison to DNA profiles developed from crime scene samples, resulting in 8 offender hits and 2 forensic hits.

In 2018, the agreement was updated to allow international comparisons of DNA profiles from missing persons and unidentified human remains. Since then, the National DNA Data Bank has received 92 incoming international requests to search missing persons and unidentified human remains profiles against the Convicted Offenders Index, the Crime Scene Index, the Missing Persons Index and the Human Remains Index. The National DNA Data Bank has sent 38 requests to other INTERPOL countries for comparison of DNA profiles developed from missing persons and unidentified human remains. The incoming requests resulted in one putative identification and the outgoing requests also resulted in one putative identification.

Privacy of information

The DNA Identification Act specifies that DNA profiles in the National DNA Data Bank's indices can only be used for law enforcement or humanitarian purposes. The Act also clearly states that the DNA profiles in the Relatives of Missing Persons Index can only be compared to DNA profiles in the Missing Persons Index and Human Remains Index.

As an additional safeguard to protect the privacy of an individual, when a convicted offender's DNA sample arrives at the National DNA Data Bank, the donor's identity is separated from his or her genetic information, and the sample is identified by a numeric bar code. These bar codes are the only link connecting personal information, the biological sample and the DNA profile. The offender's personal information is kept in a separate registry maintained by the RCMP's Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services, which National DNA Data Bank employees cannot access. This process ensures that National DNA Data Bank staff never know which convicted offender's DNA profile they are processing. Likewise, Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services employees do not have access to the genetic information of an offender. With the exception of biological sex, DNA profiles held within the indices of the National DNA Data Bank do not reveal any medical or physical information about the donor.

The Act further protects Canadians' privacy rights by requiring informed consent for submissions to the Relatives of Missing Persons Index, the Victims Index and the Voluntary Donors Index. This consent can be withdrawn at any time by the contributor. In addition, at least once every five years, the investigating agency is contacted about the case to ensure that the person from whom the DNA profile was obtained has not withdrawn their consent. Investigators are also asked whether they believe the DNA profile will continue to assist in the investigation for which it was obtained. If removal is requested or if the investigating agency fails to respond, then the DNA profile is removed from the appropriate DNA index and the biological sample is destroyed.

Lastly, the National DNA Data Bank will only share DNA information with other investigative authorities as permitted by legislation.

The value of secondary designated offence submissions

The Criminal Code classifies those offences that may be the subject of a DNA order as either primary or secondary designated offences. When the National DNA Data Bank first started its operations in 2000, the number of secondary designated offences was limited. In 2008, the Criminal Code was amended and the list of secondary designated offences was expanded to include a wider range of offences (for example failure to appear and drug offences). While usually less violent, these offences can help solve more serious criminal offences.

To illustrate the value of these offences, offender hit data was selected from the National DNA Data Bank for a few common secondary designated offences. The figure below provides the number of offender hits to ongoing investigations (including murders and sexual assaults) that were the outcome of DNA orders being issued for offenders convicted of secondary designated offences.

Success stories

The National DNA Data Bank provides information that is crucial for criminal and missing person investigations. DNA profiles of convicted offenders can help link or exclude suspects from a police investigation. Equally important is the database of unknown DNA profiles that have been processed from crime scenes. It can determine if a suspect is linked to one or multiple crime scenes regardless of where the crime took place. The National DNA Data Bank has been a routine and vital resource in criminal investigations for over 20 years. Since 2018, with the adoption of its new humanitarian indices, the National DNA Data Bank has proven valuable in humanitarian investigations as well. This year we've seen how the criminal and humanitarian aspects of the National DNA Data Bank can overlap in providing investigative leads when the DNA profiles of two found human remains cases helped identify victims that were later linked to murder investigations.

The following examples highlight some of the many cases where DNA has been instrumental in helping solve or advance police investigations:

Familial DNA sample helps identify homicide victim, sixteen years after her disappearance

In August 2004, a 27-year old woman was reported missing from Moncton, New Brunswick. The investigation indicated that she had been murdered but, her remains could not be located.

In 2009, a suspect was convicted of manslaughter in her death and sentenced to life in prison. The suspect told authorities where they could find the victim's remains but, the search was unsuccessful. The suspect then claimed that the remains had been moved by someone who had since passed away and there was no way of knowing where her remains could be found. While the offender was imprisoned, the case remained open for the lead investigator and for the family members who were still grieving and wanted answers.

In April 2012, the skull of an unidentified woman was found in a wooded area near Saint John, New Brunswick, about 155 km from Moncton. A DNA profile was developed, but at that time there was no National Missing Persons DNA Program in place to support humanitarian investigations. It was not until December 2019, guided by the National Missing Persons DNA Program, that the unidentified woman's DNA profile was added to the National DNA Data Bank's Human Remains Index and searched against profiles in the Missing Persons Index and the Relatives of Missing Persons Index. However, no association was made to assist in the identification of the human remains. At this point, there was no evidence to indicate that these remains were that of the 27-year old woman who was murdered in Moncton.

Around this time, the lead investigator in the Moncton manslaughter case reached out to the National Missing Persons DNA Program and arranged for a DNA sample from one of the victim's relatives to be uploaded to the Relatives of Missing Persons Index in the hopes that the victim's DNA profile had been added to the Human Remains Index and an association would be found. Upon entry into the Relatives of Missing Persons Index, the DNA profile of the victim's relative was flagged as a positive kinship association to the DNA profile obtained from the skull of the unidentified woman.

This was the first time the RCMP in New Brunswick used the National DNA Data Bank to successfully identify remains through the use of familial DNA, giving the family much needed peace and closure.

No file is ever closed until it is solved. The New Brunswick RCMP would like to thank the families of the victim, as well as the RCMP's National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains, the National DNA Data Bank, the Government of New Brunswick Coroner Services and the Saint John Police Force.

Constable Hans Ouellette
New Brunswick RCMP

DNA used to prove identical twins' involvement in serious crime

One week after a man was released from prison in Windsor, Ontario, police apprehended a number of suspects in his kidnapping, torture and murder. The victim, age 26, died a week after he was abducted, tied up, beaten and stabbed.

Two of the suspects being investigated were identical twins from Windsor, both of whom already had DNA on file as convicted offenders of a previous unrelated case. Investigators had video footage placing the twins at the scene but could not prove the siblings had a role in the crime.

Part of the evidence collected at the crime scene involved duct tape, which was used on the victim. When processing the evidence, the Centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto generated a DNA profile from the duct tape and entered it into the Crime Scene Index of the National DNA Data Bank. A search of the Convicted Offender Index revealed a match to the twins' convicted offender DNA profiles.

With conclusive DNA evidence in hand, investigators questioned the twins and both confessed to participating in the kidnapping. The DNA profiles of twins are identical and so the confession of each twin was an important component in the arrest of both siblings.

The identical twins were each charged with murder, forcible confinement and kidnapping. The twins pleaded guilty to kidnapping and were each sentenced to five years in prison for their roles in the crime.

The value of the National DNA Data Bank and DNA specifically cannot be underestimated. It provides conclusive information without the need of a witness. The accused now has to provide a reasonable excuse as to why their DNA is present at the scene of the crime. It is the proverbial smoking gun that cannot be refuted.

Staff Sergeant Edward Novak
Investigations - Major Crimes Branch
Windsor Police Service

Sexual predator targeting young women on a bike path

In the fall of 2017, a 41-year old male was arrested and charged in connection with a number of sexual assaults that took place on a bike path in Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, between 2012 and 2017. The man was a known offender on release from a previous conviction.

The arrest took place after an investigation into the latest attack of a young woman in August 2017. The 25-year old female fought her attacker. She bit him and was able to remove his watch during the struggle before he fled the scene.

Investigators compiled a list of sexual predators in the vicinity and started to narrow down leads. During this process, they came across Facebook photos of the suspect wearing the same watch as the one left behind during the attack. Meanwhile, the watch was sent for DNA analysis and the DNA from the watch matched to the suspect's DNA profile in the Convicted Offender Index of the National DNA Data Bank. This provided the first physical link of the suspect to the crime.

That crucial evidence led police to this serial predator and further investigation linked him to three previous assaults of young women biking on that path. Investigators also linked the same predator to a home invasion and an attempted sexual assault of an elderly woman.

The suspect pleaded guilty to several counts of sexual assault, forcible confinement, kidnapping and break and enter. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

As the burden of proof in a criminal case requires to be "beyond a reasonable doubt"; when DNA evidence can be gathered, like in this case, it will have a decisive impact on the investigative technique used such as the interview and on the confidence of guilt of the suspect. The National DNA Data Bank gives a huge assistance to the investigators enabling them to link DNA from a possible suspect to the DNA gathered during their investigation.

Bruno Sicotte, Detective Lieutenant
Régie de police du Lac des Deux-Montagnes

Suspect apprehended in Quebec home invasion

In the early morning of August 28, 2015, two armed suspects entered a home occupied by two men in Saint-Hippolyte, Quebec. The doors of the home were equipped with multiple locks and there were security bars on most of the windows, but the suspects allegedly entered the residence through an unsecured window.

Once inside, the intruders tied one of the victim's arms behind his back while pointing a handgun at his head. The suspects then went to the second victim's bedroom where a violent struggle took place. While fighting the suspects, the victim was able to remove the balaclava of one of his aggressors and banged his head against the wall and the counter. The second assailant struck the victim on the head twice with the butt of the handgun. The victim's dog then bit one of the suspect's legs. Ultimately, both suspects left the house, presumably through the same window they used to enter.

The police were called to the scene. Numerous pieces of evidence were gathered throughout the house, and around the window used to enter the house.

The evidence was sent to the forensic laboratory in Montréal for DNA analysis. Three months after the crime, investigators received a report from the laboratory confirming a match between the DNA profile from the balaclava found in the house and the DNA profile of a convicted offender in the National DNA Data Bank. The suspect was taken in for questioning, and upon further investigation police noted scars similar to an animal's teeth marks on the inside of the suspect's right thigh. The suspect claimed he did not know how he got those marks.

The police had followed other leads; however, it was the DNA found at the scene of the crime that led them to one of the suspects. He was arrested on June 21, 2016 and later found guilty and sentenced to 68 months for break and enter, assault with a weapon, forcible confinement and disguise with intent. The second suspect is still unknown to date.

DNA is the most effective investigative technique investigators have at their disposal. In this case, it would have been impossible to identify the suspect without DNA. In conclusion, the more subjects entered into the National DNA Data Bank, the more successful investigators will be identifying possible suspects.

Francis Bolduc, Sergeant Investigator
Major crimes investigation division
Sûreté du Québec de Mascouche

National DNA Data Bank advisory committee

Established in 2000 under the mandate of the DNA Identification Act, the National DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee provides the National DNA Data Bank with strategic guidance and direction on scientific advancements, matters of law, legislative changes, privacy issues and ethical practices. In addition, the Advisory Committee reports to the Commissioner of the RCMP on matters related to the National DNA Data Bank operations and advises the Commissioner on a range of issues related to DNA ethics, scientific advancements and legislative changes. The members of the Advisory Committee are appointed by the Minister of Public Safety and collectively represent a diverse spectrum of expertise. The current members of the Advisory Committee are:

Brendan Heffernan (Chairperson)
RCMP Chief Superintendent (retired), representing the police community.
Derrill Prevett, Queen's Counsel (Vice-chair)
Attorney (retired) and legal contributor, Crown Counsel for thirty-three years with experience in many high profile cases involving DNA evidence.
Dr. Frederick R. Bieber, Ph. D.
Bio-Medical Ethics, Specialist and Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Bieber is a medical geneticist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.
Dr. Ron Fourney, Ph. D., Officer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
Director of Science and Strategic Partnerships, RCMP, and a founding member of the National DNA Data Bank.
Sue O'Sullivan, B.A., Officer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
Human Rights Specialist, with extensive experience in advocacy for victims of crime.
Dr. Michael Szego, Ph. D., Master of Health Science
Clinical Ethicist and Director of the Centre for Clinical Ethics. Dr. Szego is an Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Ben Koop, Ph. D.
Medical Genetics Expert and Professor of Biology at the University of Victoria.
Lacey Batalov (Represented by Alexandra Foster)
Representing the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Key statistics

Biological samples: June 30, 2000 through March 31, 2022

Endorsements: January 1, 2008 through March 31, 2022

The global pandemic continued to impact the volume of submissions to the National DNA Data Bank throughout 2012-22.

Table 1: DNA profiles contained in the criminal indices
Criminal indices Total
Convicted Offenders Index 425,567
Crime Scene Index 196,827
Victims Index 84
Voluntary Donors Index 0
Total 622,478


Biological samples received versus DNA profiles contained in the Convicted Offenders Index: As of March 31, 2022, the National DNA Data Bank received 472,207 biological samples, of which 425,567 DNA profiles were contained in the Convicted Offenders Index. The difference of 9.9% can be attributed to rejected samples, duplicate samples, biological samples in the process of being analyzed and DNA profiles removed from the Convicted Offenders Index because of an absolute or conditional discharge, expired retention period, or because the conviction or the DNA order/authorization was quashed on appeal.

Table 2: DNA profiles contained in the humanitarian indices
Humanitarian indices Total
Missing Persons Index 155
Relatives of Missing Persons Index 1,162
Human Remains Index 307
Total 1,624
Table 3: Breakdown of DNA profiles contained in the Crime Scene Index
Laboratory Total
Centre of Forensic Sciences 76,836
Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale 53,475
RCMP National Forensic Laboratory Services 66,516
Total 196,827
Table 4: Matches and associations reported
Matches and associations Total
Offender hit 71,570
Forensic hit 7,802
Victim hit 9
Human remains hit - putative identification 40
Humanitarian index hit - investigative lead 15
Offender duplicate table 4 footnote 1 14,963
Identical DNA profiles 407

Table 4 footnotes

Table 4 footnote 1

Does not include duplicate samples identified prior to laboratory analysis.

Return to table 4 footnote 1 referrer

Explanatory notes

Offender "hit"
A DNA profile developed from crime scene evidence and entered into the National DNA Data Bank's Crime Scene Index matches a DNA profile in the Convicted Offenders Index.
Forensic "hit"
A DNA profile developed from crime scene evidence and entered into the National DNA Data Bank's Crime Scene Index matches another crime scene DNA profile in the Crime Scene Index.
Victim "hit"
A DNA profile developed from a victim and entered into the National DNA Data Bank's Victims Index matches a DNA profile in another index.
Human remains "hit"- putative identification
A DNA profile developed from a human remain and entered into the Human Remains Index matches or is associated to a DNA profile(s) in the Relative of Missing Persons Index, the Missing Persons Index or the Convicted Offenders Index.
Humanitarian index "hit" - investigative lead
A DNA profile developed from a human remain and entered into the Human Remains Index or a DNA profile developed from a personal effect of a missing person and entered into the Missing Persons Index matches to a crime scene DNA profile in the Crime Scene Index.
Offender duplicate
Cases where two biological samples from the same person were submitted to the National DNA Data Bank.
Identical DNA profiles
DNA profiles of identical twins.
Convicted offender's profile
A DNA profile from an offender convicted of a designated offence.
Crime scene profile
A DNA profile developed from biological evidence found at a crime scene.
Table 5: Offender hits by case type
Case type Total
Break and enters 31,171
Robberies 7,751
Sexual offences 7,361
Assaults 5,723
Homicides 4,688
Attempted murders 1,395
Other 13,481
Total 71,570
Table 6: Convicted offender submissions received – breakdown by category of offence
Category of offence Biological samples Endorsements
Primary 251,043 88,579
Secondary 217,237 111,088
Other 3,927 1,224
Total 472,207 200,891


The "Other" category includes samples submitted following conviction for a non-designated offence or without a DNA court order. These submissions are not processed unless the National DNA Data Bank receives a corrected order.

Primary and secondary offences: See section 487.04 of Criminal Code of Canada and section 196.11 of the National Defence Act.

Table 7: Convicted offender submissions received – breakdown by type of offender
Type of offender Biological samples Endorsements
Adult offender 415,311 193,583
Young offender 56,783 7,300
Military offender table 7 footnote 1 113 8
Total 472,207 200,891

Table 7 footnotes

Table 7 footnote 1

A member of the military convicted of a designated offence and had a biological sample/endorsement submitted to the National DNA Data Bank.

Return to table 7 footnote 1 referrer

Table 8: Convicted offender submissions received – breakdown by type of offence
Type of offence Biological samples Endorsements
Assaults 288,151 132,157
Sexual offences 100,724 14,839
Break and enters 66,070 41,097
Robberies 53,528 22,420
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Cannabis Act 44,082 18,600
Homicides 10,549 2,460
Other 74,886 63,345
Total 637,990 294,918


More than one offence may be associated with a sample submission.

Table 9: Convicted offender submissions received by province and territory
Provinces and territories April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 June 30, 2000 to March 31, 2022
Biological samples Endorsements Biological samples Endorsements (from January 1, 2008)
British Columbia 1,354 1,064 52,982 22,182
Alberta 1,721 1,479 51,002 21,126
Saskatchewan 797 540 20,338 4,899
Manitoba 761 868 28,685 11,654
Ontario 6,978 7,118 207,221 113,928
Quebec 2,921 1,349 80,150 19,613
New Brunswick 272 144 6,242 919
Nova Scotia 212 120 11,958 3,074
Prince Edward Island 41 13 1,296 144
Newfoundland and Labrador 156 104 6,509 1,519
Yukon 37 21 872 270
Northwest Territories 58 41 2,518 901
Nunavut 89 48 2,434 662
Total 15,397 12,909 472,207 200,891


The above information represents the convicted offender submissions received and is not reflective of the number of convictions eligible for a DNA order.

Retroactive authorizations

This is a biological sample taken from an offender who was found guilty of certain designated Criminal Code offences before June 30, 2000. The authorization is granted as per qualifying criteria set out in s.487.055 of the Criminal Code. Under this provision, the National DNA Data Bank has received 5,035 submissions.

Rejection of National DNA Data Bank submissions

The National DNA Data Bank has rejected only 7,277 (1.5%) of the biological samples and 2,892 (1.4%) of the endorsements it has received to date. Reasons for rejection include: the offender was convicted of a non-designated offence, the biological sample was inadequate, the collection kit used was inappropriate (sample), the offender’s DNA profile was not contained in the Convicted Offenders Index (endorsement), or the DNA order was missing or invalid.

Collection of additinal bodily substances

If a biological sample is rejected because the quality of the sample is deemed inadequate for DNA analysis, or if it was not submitted in accordance with the DNA Identification Regulations, an application for resampling can be authorized by a judge. Since June 30, 2000, the National DNA Data Bank has received 1,967 samples taken under this provision.

Table 10: Breakdown of biological samples destroyed and DNA profiles removed from the Convicted Offenders Index
Convicted Offenders Index Adult Young person
Conditional discharge (repealed for adults as of March 6, 2018) 11,287 2,128
Conviction quashed on appeal 879 31
Absolute discharge (repealed for adults as of March 6, 2018) 592 132
Duplicate sample (same order) 373 34
No suitable DNA profile obtained 146 21
Order/authorization quashed 47 8
Retention period expired Not applicable 8,987
Other 73 11
Total 13,397 11,352
Table 11: Summary of National DNA Data Bank indices and associations made
Indices and associations made 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Total number of Crime Scene Index DNA profiles at year-end 143,963 159,448 173,292 184,549 196,827
Increase in Crime Scene Index DNA profiles table 11 footnote 1 13,863 15,485 13,844 11,257 12,278
Total number of Convicted Offenders Index DNA profiles at year-end 365,565 384,488 401,546 411,999 425,567
Increase in Convicted Offenders Index DNA profiles table 11 footnote 1 19,405 18,923 17,058 10,453 13,568
Submissions received (biological samples and endorsements) 40,394 38,898 37,447 23,181 28,306
Associations made (offender and forensic hits) 5,751 7,291 6,857 4,327 5,622

Table 11 footnotes

Table 11 footnote 1

Net increase after rejections and removals from indices.

Return to table 11 footnote 1 referrer

Financial statement

Table 12: Financial statement of April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 table 12 footnote 1
Expenditure type Expenditure (in thousands of dollars)
Personnel 2,701
Internal services 746
Employee benefit plan 469
Transport and telecommunications 5
Development and infrastructure support 14
Rentals 171
Repair and maintenance 13
Utilities, materials, supplies and miscellaneous 1,020
Capital and minor equipment purchases 416
Sub-total 5,555
Allocated indirect costs table 12 footnote 2 217
Total 5,772

Table 12 footnotes

Table 12 footnote 1

The financial statement includes costs for the National Missing Persons DNA Program as it applies within the National DNA Data Bank.

Return to table 12 footnote 1 referrer

Table 12 footnote 2

Indirect Costs include: Forensic Science and Identification Services administrative and corporate support, recruitment, the Quality Assurance Program, IT support and the National DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee.

Return to table 12 footnote 2 referrer


Footnote 1

2021-22 refers to the National DNA Data Bank's fiscal year from April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

The global pandemic continued to impact the volume of submissions to the National DNA Data Bank throughout 2012-22.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

The date the humanitarian indices came into force.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

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