Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2020-2021 Departmental Plan
Alternate version
From the Minister

The Honourable William Sterling Blair, P.C., C.O.M., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
As Canada's Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, I am pleased to present to Parliament the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's (RCMP) Departmental Plan for the 2020-21 fiscal year.
The RCMP is a complex and multi-faceted organization with important challenges in the year ahead. As detailed in the following report, the RCMP will focus on key modernization initiatives including updating policies and equipment, and developing and implementing training programs that are essential for front-line personnel and community safety.
The RCMP will also benefit from the advice provided by its newly appointed Management Advisory Board as it continues to respond to the diverse and evolving demands placed on law enforcement organizations.
In closing, I wish to thank all RCMP employees who continue to make important contributions to the safety and security of Canada and Canadians.
The Honourable William Sterling Blair, P.C., C.O.M., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Plans at a glance
The Canadian policing landscape is multifaceted and perimeter-less. As crime evolves, so does the RCMP's response, which includes numerous strategies designed to address complex operations faced on a daily basis which are in keeping with our core responsibilities of Federal Policing, National Police Services, Contract and Indigenous Policing, as well as our Internal Services.
In 2020-21, the RCMP will continue to support crime prevention and community wellness by consulting with communities to identify local issues and challenges, while developing initiatives and strategies that are tailored to individual needs. Such activities will be undertaken in support of the Indigenous Communities and Youth priorities.
Three overarching priorities will guide Federal Policing's work over the next three years: National Security; Transnational Serious and Organized Crime; and Cybercrime. Within these priorities, Federal Policing will focus on key target activities including: terrorism; foreign interference activities; organized crime; money laundering and proceeds of crime; border integrity; transnational serious and organized cyber-enabled criminal activities; and foreign-influenced cybercrime.
Vision 150
In support of modernization and transformation commitments, the RCMP developed Vision 150, a five-year plan comprised of four pillars: Our People; Our Culture; Our Stewardship; and Our Policing Services.
- Our People: The RCMP will continue to look at recruitment, retention, mental health and wellness, diversity and inclusion, leadership, learning/development, and harassment. These are also reflected under the RCMP's People Strategy pillars: "Great People. Great Work. Great Tools. Great Workplace." (See "Planned results for Internal Services").
- Our Culture: The RCMP will foster a professional environment in which ethical standards are modelled and enforced, and will introduce mechanisms to strengthen transparency and communications. It will focus on fostering diversity in its workforce through the implementation of inclusive practices and the elimination of systemic workplace barriers, and will strive to create a workplace that is free from harassment and sexual violence.
- Our Stewardship: As part of its path to modernization, the RCMP will work toward refining its internal management practices to be a modern and leading-edge police service by creating adaptable, modern, and relevant standards and policies, examining internal processes and simplifying them where possible, and by responsibly assessing risk in order to mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities.
- Our Policing Services: The RCMP will continue to assign the highest priority on assessing and responding to threats to the safety and security of the people of Canada and to Canadian interests.
Digital Policing Strategy
Rapid advances in technology have led to significant changes in criminal behaviour and new types of crime. These changes require a new, modern approach to policing. "The Connected RCMP", the RCMP's digital policing strategy, was created to help guide the organization's future as a modern, agile organization, under four themes:
- Our Communities: The RCMP will need to meet the needs of a technologically advanced public. From online crime reporting to smartphone apps, the future of the RCMP will be mobile and online. The perimeter-less nature of modern crime means that cooperation and communication with partners will be more important than ever.
- Our Partners: The RCMP will adopt more efficient digital methods to deliver services and exchange information with its law enforcement partners.
- Each Other: Mobile devices and apps will be provided so that employees can access RCMP systems from anywhere. Employees will have instant access to key information during critical events and this will increase officer safety.
- Information: The RCMP will create better, more efficient processes for collecting, storing, and using data to make better policing and business decisions.
For more information on the RCMP's plans, priorities, and planned results, see the "Core responsibilities: planned results and resources, and key risks" section of this report.
Core Responsibilities: planned results and resources, and key risks
This section contains detailed information on the department's planned results and resources for each of its core responsibilities. It also contains information on key risks related to achieving those results.
Core Responsibilities
As described below, the RCMP's core responsibilities are Federal Policing, National Police Services, and Contract and Indigenous Policing.
Federal Policing
Through Federal Policing, the RCMP prevents, detects, and investigates serious and organized crime, financial crime, and cybercrime, as well as crimes related to national security. In addition, it enforces federal statutes, conducts international policing activities, and ensures border integrity and the security of major events, state officials, dignitaries and designated sites.
Planning highlights
Federal Policing targets the most serious criminal threats to the safety and security of Canadians, Canadian interests, democratic institutions, economic integrity, and physical and cyber infrastructure. Over the next three years, Federal Policing will work at building a strong foundation to undertake investigations.
Protective Services
The RCMP will continue to ensure the safety and security of internationally protected persons, visiting dignitaries, and foreign diplomats in Canada, as well as Canadian government executives both domestically and abroad. In addition, the RCMP will continue to protect designated sites within the National Capital Region and provide specially-trained RCMP officers onboard selected Canadian-registered aircraft. The organization will continue to modernize protective services in support of a service delivery model that is threat/risk-based and intelligence-led, and which promotes the effective and efficient use of resources.
Federal Policing Investigations
Federal Policing investigations are highly complex and may require significant capital and/or human resources investments. They often employ specialized investigative techniques and may be lengthy in duration, particularly when considering the entirety of the judicial process. Against these considerations, Federal Policing must assess, prioritize, and investigate criminal activity based on the most significant impact on Canadians. In 2020-21, the Program will continue to triage investigational files using a standardized process. In the coming years, Federal Policing will focus on supporting and advancing investigations related to: terrorist activities; foreign interference; major criminal activities such as organized crime, money laundering, and proceeds of crime; as well as serious and organized cyber-enabled criminal activities and foreign-influenced cybercrime. This will be accomplished by redirecting resources not only to priority areas, but also to enabling mechanisms such as Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) services and investigative support functions.
Federal Policing operations are supported and informed by relevant intelligence to ensure that decisions are based on the best information available. The Federal Policing intelligence program will continue to collect, analyze, and operationalize intelligence to advance criminal operations and to support senior level decision-making on threats, risks, trends, and opportunities. These efforts will prevent serious criminal activity through disruption and deterrence before it reaches Canadian borders. The intelligence program will continue to advance federal priorities by enhancing its international footprint to confront emerging threats, all while continuing to strengthen domestic and international partnerships.
International Policing
The RCMP is a key partner in the Government of Canada's efforts to support global safety and security. Engagement with international law enforcement agencies through the international network of Liaison Officers and intelligence analysts deployed to strategic locations abroad is critical to many of the RCMP's criminal investigations into cybercrime, national security, and serious and organized crime. Continued modernization and enhancement of the RCMP's international footprint will further strengthen our relationships with international partners. It will also enable us to better leverage the expertise required to disrupt criminal activities globally and support domestic operations. The RCMP will continue to participate in initiatives to promote international stability through law enforcement capacity-building projects, membership in INTERPOL and Europol, and by overseeing the deployment of Canadian police officers on international peace operations. In 2020-21, particular emphasis will be on adding a complement of mental health initiatives to ensure police officers deployed on peace operations are continuously supported.
Federal Policing Prevention and Engagement
Federal Policing will support crime prevention initiatives through outreach and awareness activities, and by creating new reference materials to increase engagement and transfer knowledge. Federal Policing Prevention and Engagement will also continue to oversee the First Responder Terrorism Awareness Program, which provides comprehensive national security training to first responders and informs key partners on possible indicators of criminal/terrorist activity and practices that might otherwise go unnoticed and unreported.
Federal Operations Support
In 2020-21, Federal Policing will advance and enable its operations by developing and updating key operational policies, acquiring and maintaining specialized tools and technologies, supporting specialized capabilities, maintaining threat awareness, and examining disclosure practices and related systems. Federal Policing also aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of RCMP operations by focusing on advancing key operational enablers such as human source development, undercover operations, and witness protection. This will be supported by reallocating resources toward information technology, training, policy, and operational staff.
Federal Policing Governance
In the coming fiscal year, Federal Policing will focus on its people and will develop a strategy to recruit, train, retain, and mobilize a diverse and skilled workforce, while continuing to strengthen accountability and governance. Ongoing work to improve information technology, heighten technical capabilities, and consolidate work to-date on information systems and data is a major priority to ensure evidence is available to support decision-making. The RCMP's Federal Policing program will also work to improve communications with partners and employees to enhance trust and confidence. Lastly, the program will work with other government departments and key partners to develop strategies, policies, and agreements to target border integrity, foreign actor interference, and money/laundering proceeds of crime.
- Federal Policing has identified a system with the means to centralize its operational tools into a common accessible workplace within a secure environment. The system aims to generate meaningful business intelligence by measuring qualitative data through standardized common data fields.
- Federal Policing is also exploring the creation of cyber environment partnerships with third-party providers. The project is currently working with these companies and other stakeholders to eliminate the misconception that reporting to police would make the cyber incident public.
Key risks
Federal Policing is working to keep pace with a rapidly evolving criminal threat environment in which technology underpins contemporary criminal activity. The risks to the safety and security of Canadians are no longer direct and obvious, but extend to more insidious and covert threats to our economic and social well-being. Within such a broad and demanding mandate, and in light of the resources required to meet these demands, Federal Policing needs to clearly identify and prioritize its work and operate as a cohesive national program.
Key risks that could prevent Federal Policing from achieving its objectives relate to: policing services/operations; stewardship/governance; culture; and human resources. Overall, there is a risk that without new funding, Federal Policing will be unable to deliver on its already narrowed and focused scope.
Sound policing services, operations, and stewardship require improving information technology and technical capabilities. Greater investment in research and development (technology) and a focused renewal of existing, antiquated capital assets is of primary importance. Without sufficient technology, tools, and information systems, there is a risk that Federal Policing may not be able to meet critical operational requirements. Not being able to recruit, retain, coach, and/or internally mobilize expert personnel could also put the organization at risk of not having the necessary skills, knowledge, and innovation needed for effective operations. Organizationally, a lack of effective accountability and governance mechanisms – including a challenge in securing timely and accurate data and information – as well as an absence of a modern international strategy and gaps in operational policies, planning and forecasting would be detrimental to supporting decision-making and reporting requirements.
Departmental result | Departmental result indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2016-17 actual results | 2017-18 actual results | 2018-19 actual results |
Threats to the safety and security of the people of Canada and Canadian interests are detected, prevented, denied, and responded to | Percentage of National Security, Serious and Organized Crime, and Financial Crime investigations opened and cleared within the fiscal year | National Security: 11.5% Serious and Organized Crime: 25.5% Financial Crime: 30.5% | March 31, 2021 | National Security: 6% Serious and Organized crime: 11% Financial Crime: 7% Footnote 1 | National Security: 8% Serious and Organized crime: 13% Financial Crime: 19% Footnote 2 | National Security: 10% Footnote 3 Footnote 4 Serious and Organized Crime: 17% Footnote 5 Footnote 6 Financial Crime: 0% Footnote 7 Footnote 8 |
Percentage of incidents that impact protected persons, sites, major events, and Canadian air carriers | 0% | March 31, 2021 | 0% | 0% | 2 Footnote 9 | |
Percentage of international policing activities that contribute to law enforcement operations against criminal threats to Canadian safety and security | 80% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | 100% | |
Percentage of international policing activities that contribute to enhanced law enforcement skills and capacity abroad through peace operations and capacity building missions | 80% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | 95% |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 10
2020-21 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) | 2020-21 planned spending | 2021-22 planned spending | 2022-23 planned spending |
870,180,294 | 870,180,294 | 868,632,661 | 862,409,515 |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 11
2020-21 planned full-time equivalents | 2021-22 planned full-time equivalents | 2022-23 planned full-time equivalents |
5,027 | 5,030 | 5,007 |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 12
National Police Services
Through National Police Services, the RCMP provides training, national criminal data repositories, and investigative assistance, expertise, and tools to all Canadian law enforcement agencies in a variety of fields such as forensics, identification, firearms, and online child exploitation. Internally, the RCMP provides a diverse range of technical services to support operations such as the collection of digital evidence, the delivery of policing information technology tools, and the implementation of departmental security standards.
Planning highlights
Canadian Firearms Program
The Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) will promote public safety by verifying firearms licence eligibility, providing education on the responsible use, storage, and transportation of firearms, as well as lending assistance to the law enforcement community in the detection of suspected criminal activity associated with firearms. Moreover, the RCMP will continue to support the Government of Canada's Initiative to Take Action Against Gun and Gang Violence (ITAAGGV). This horizontal initiative will enhance investigative support capacity and firearms inspections, while supporting strategic analysis and optimizing actionable intelligence. The ITAAGGV also prioritizes the use of the Canadian Integrated Ballistics Identification Network for gang-related cases and provides important research and analysis related to criminal gun usage and gang violence.
Bill C-71, An Act to amend certain Acts and Regulations in relation to firearms, received Royal Assent on June 21, 2019. Following the funding allocation from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), the CFP will begin working on the provisions of Bill C-71 in a two-phased approach. The scope will include the development and implementation of business and technical requirements to support changes to the Authorizations to Transport regime, "grandfathering" of the CZ 858 and Swiss Arms rifles, client eligibility, and licence verification. The CFP will also work with other government departments and agencies to implement the Government's firearms-related commitments as identified in the mandate letter of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Footnote 13 In addition, the CFP will continue to seek efficiencies that enhance the delivery of client services, such as through the ongoing work with provincial Chief Firearms Officers to automate and enhance business processes.
Canadian Police College
The Canadian Police College (CPC) is committed to meeting the evolving needs of the law enforcement community. Over the years, the CPC costing models have not evolved as quickly as the demand for and the cost of delivering its courses, and the College currently only recovers 50% or less of its training delivery costs from the tuition fees charged to its clients. This has resulted in an unsustainable business model, which places all stakeholders at risk of losing access to this service all together. Following consultations with internal and external stakeholders – and in support of a modern, flexible, and sustainable model – the CPC will begin increasing course tuition fees in 2020 while at the same time deploying an Adjunct Faculty Program to address capacity issues and support the value of the College as a national learning institution. The Adjunct Faculty Program will: recognize the contributions of partner agency subject-matter experts to the College by providing credits towards tuition fee reductions; improve the selection and validation of those who provide training and curriculum support while formally acknowledging their role within the College; and develop extensive networks and partnerships to support the evolving training requirements of the community.
Forensic Science & Identification Services
In 2020-21, National Forensic Laboratory Services, under the Forensic Science & Identification Services (FS&IS) Program, will focus its efforts on providing additional capacity for processing drug-impaired driving charges in response to newly enacted Cannabis legislation. In addition, FS&IS will introduce several new technologies to align with current enforcement trends, including genotyping software and new DNA processing techniques.
In an effort to address rising demand, Integrated Forensic Identification Services will explore new service delivery models and innovative approaches, including technology that will be tested to obtain latent prints suitable for comparison and possible identification on fired shell casings.
The Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) will also explore potential efficiencies. A new policy will allow companies who offer mobile fingerprinting services and who have demonstrated proper security measures to submit transactions from any location, allowing for more widespread civil fingerprinting with real-time submissions. In addition, CCRTIS will no longer accept paper submissions for latent fingerprints, since as of 2021 all submissions will be made through the Central Latent Client, a secure portal application. Lastly, CCRTIS will initiate an environmental scan to explore future opportunities in emerging technologies, such as facial recognition, in support of identification for law enforcement purposes. This will include outreach to Government of Canada and international partners to evaluate benefits, accuracy, usability, performance, costing, and practical applications for implementing emerging technologies.
Sensitive and Specialized Investigative Services
(Formerly the Canadian Police Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, CPCMEC)
The RCMP's National Child Exploitation Crime Centre (NCECC) will work to reduce the online sexual exploitation of children and will focus on identifying victimized children and offenders, gathering and sharing intelligence, providing support to policing partners, and deploying technological innovations and specialized investigative techniques. The NCECC will continue to contribute files and intelligence to the International Child Sexual Exploitation Database managed by INTERPOL, which helps with the identification of victims and offenders across specialized law enforcement units around the world. The RCMP will continue to develop new and expand existing international partnerships and private industry collaborations towards the universally supported objective of eliminating the sexual exploitation of children online.
National Cybercrime Coordination Unit
In 2017-18, the Government of Canada introduced the National Cyber Security Strategy, which called for the creation of the National Cybercrime Coordination (NC3) Unit as a new nationally delivered law enforcement service. This unit has been established within the RCMP and will coordinate major cybercrime investigations in Canada and work with international law enforcement partners. The NC3 has established a partnership with the Canadian Digital Service to design a new public reporting system for victims of cybercrime to report to law enforcement, which is scheduled for implementation by 2022. In the coming year, the NC3 and its stakeholders will continue its implementation activities and is expected to begin initial operations in April 2020.
Operational IM/IT Services
In support of, and in alignment with, the Government of Canada's Policy on Service and Digital and the GC Digital Standards, the Operational IM/IT Program will begin implementation of "The Connected RCMP" Digital Policing Strategy. The strategy is focused on impactful and transformative change to improve digital connections between the RCMP and the communities it serves, as well as with public safety and justice partners, and internally among its own employees and resources. The RCMP will leverage new and emerging technologies to increase access to internal and external data holdings to support effective decision-making, and ease the burden of technology on employees by providing modern, user-friendly tools, and situational awareness. Operational IM/IT Services will focus on the foundational capabilities to enable modernization including cloud technology, increased mobility, IT security, access controls, and data management. As an example, the RCMP is reviewing options to replace Criminal Intelligence Service Canada's (CISC) 40-year old national database for criminal intelligence on serious and organized crime – the Automated Criminal Intelligence Information System (ACIIS) – to ensure it can meet the modern data collection and analysis needs of CISC's over 380 federal, provincial and municipal partner agencies.
In addition, the RCMP will continue to deploy a new mission-critical radio communication system in Central Canada (Ontario and Quebec), which will enable seamless roaming and interoperability, and ensure that efficient and reliable communication is available with partner public safety agencies in both routine and emergency situations.
- Plans are underway to introduce a new application to automate the processing of forensic analysis requests. The application will be accessible via a secure portal at law enforcement facilities and should improve laboratory capacities and reduce delays in investigative processes and court proceedings.
- A new application is being tested that will allow for the identification of subjects and the retrieval of criminal history information in near real-time using smartphones. This project aims to provide more effective, technology-based tools and police services to enhance public safety.
Key risks
In this current era of rapid technological change, there is an ongoing and urgent need to keep pace with the challenges faced by law enforcement and public safety partners in a digital and globalized world. Facilitated by innovative technology and expanding digital environments, criminality is becoming increasingly perimeter-less and is operating across international networks. To be effective, Canadian law enforcement agencies require sophisticated tools and timely access to the expertise and information necessary to investigate and prevent a broad range of criminal activities in an increasingly diverse landscape. The cost of keeping pace with evolving technology, emerging techniques, and the specialized expertise needed to counter the criminal application of these elements is extremely high and requires foresight, planning, and continuous investment.
Further, the forensic, digital, and specialized collection and analysis of evidentiary materials is an important prosecutorial and investigatory tool that contributes to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the Canadian criminal justice system. Delays in investigative processes and court proceedings in turn impact public safety and the administration of justice to all Canadians.
The sustainability and resourcing of National Police Services remain ongoing challenges for all programs. Unresolved, these challenges represent significant risks to the RCMP's ability to support the efforts of law enforcement across the country to investigate, disrupt, and prevent crime.
Departmental result | Departmental result indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2016-17 actual results | 2017-18 actual results | 2018-19 actual results |
Canadian criminal investigations are enabled by specialized scientific, technical, and investigative services | Percentage of forensic laboratory service requests completed within the target time, by program Footnote 14 | |||||
Biology | 85% | March 31, 2021 | 58% | 52% | 41% | |
Toxicology | 85% | March 31, 2021 | 68% | 61% | 71% | |
Firearms and Toolmark Identification | 85% | March 31, 2021 | 29% | 74% | 79% | |
National Anti-Counterfeiting Bureau | 85% | March 31, 2021 | 98% | 33% | 46% | |
Trace Evidence | 85% | March 31, 2021 | 84% | 74% | 62% | |
Number and percentage of specialized technical investigative service requests received and actioned within the target service standard | ||||||
National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre (NCECC) | 80% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | Not available | |
Air Services | 100% / 90% Footnote 15 | March 31, 2021 | 75% | 72% | Not available | |
Protective Technical Services | 85% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | Not available | |
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Explosives (CBRNE) Operations | 95% / 85% Footnote 16 | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | Not available | |
Technical Analysis Team | 80% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | 46% | |
Security Intelligence Background Section (SIBS) Footnote 17 | 100% | March 31, 2021 | 81% | 87% | 100% |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 18
2020-21 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) | 2020-21 planned spending | 2021-22 planned spending | 2022-23 planned spending |
499,529,677 | 499,529,677 | 491,695,299 | 479,601,390 |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 19
2020-21 planned full-time equivalents | 2021-22 planned full-time equivalents | 2022-23 planned full-time equivalents |
3,784 | 3,813 | 3,795 |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 20
Contract and Indigenous Policing
Under the Police Service Agreements, the RCMP provides policing services to the provinces (except Ontario and Quebec) and territories, as well as municipalities and Indigenous communities. These services include the general administration of justice, preservation of peace, prevention of crime, and fulfilment of all duties as outlined under the laws of Canada or the laws of respective provinces and territories.
Planning highlights
Serving Communities
In support of the Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) led by the Department for Women and Gender Equality, the RCMP will continue to develop gender-sensitive, culturally-aware, and trauma-informed approaches to address gender-based crime and violence faced by communities. The Vulnerable Persons Unit will focus on GBV, human trafficking, family and intimate partner violence, hate-motivated crimes and incidents, senior safety and elder abuse, newcomer engagement, and LGBTQ2S+ issues.
Sexual Assault Review Team
The Sexual Assault Review Team (SART) will continue to review sexual assault files and provide guidance on investigative approaches for cases of sexual assault. This also includes the formulation of recommendations to enhance investigations, and the development and implementation of trauma-informed training for employees at all levels. Newly-developed training will reinforce the rights of and support services for survivors. It will also further educate investigators about the common myths surrounding sexual assault and how best to interact with individuals who have experienced trauma.
In addition, SART will provide national leadership, guidance, and oversight to the divisional Sexual Assault Investigations Review Committees in an effort to establish a survivor-centred and trauma-informed approach as the RCMP's response to sexual violence.
Cannabis and Law Enforcement
The RCMP will support Canadian police and other agencies with the enforcement of developing and evolving cannabis legislation. Contract and Indigenous Policing will also help address drug-impaired driving through its national Drug Recognition Expert program, standards, and certification events.
The RCMP has advanced efforts to develop, update, and ramp up law enforcement training across Canada in relation to the legalization of cannabis, including the curricula for standardized field sobriety testing, drug recognition expert training, as well as training on the impairment of drugs and oral fluid drug screening devices. These activities will ensure police officers are well-equipped to enforce related legislation to keep roads safe. Furthermore, the RCMP will continue to increase public awareness in relation to cannabis and the dangers of drug-impaired driving, including among youth and high-risk communities.
Indigenous Policing and Engagement with Indigenous Communities
The RCMP is committed to working towards a renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples based on the recognition of rights, respect, cooperation, partnership, and reconciliation. The organization will continue to develop and evaluate practical and culturally-aware policing services for Indigenous communities, using regular and collaborative consultations with Indigenous organizations, other government departments, and the Commissioner's National Indigenous Advisory Committee. These engagement efforts are designed to support proactive crime prevention initiatives that are tailored to Indigenous communities. They are intended to bolster community safety and wellness objectives set out by Indigenous communities, all while ensuring policies and programs reflect, promote, and encourage the recruitment of Indigenous Peoples into the RCMP.
National Youth Services
In 2020-21, the RCMP will continue to deliver its National Youth Strategy supporting police officers, parents, youth, and persons working with youth to reduce youth involvement in crime, both as victims and offenders. Input from youth across Canada will be solicited to support the continued development of tools designed to educate and raise awareness on the dangers of cannabis use, drug-impaired driving, gender-based violence, bullying, and radicalization to violence. These tools will in turn support communication and engagement strategies for front-line members.
Contract Policing
In 2020-21, the RCMP will continue to engage, collaborate, and consult the Contract Management Committee on significant issues or proposals affecting the governance, cost, quality, or capacity of contract policing services. Contract Policing will help ensure the safety, security, and well-being of Canadian communities across the country, while also allowing the RCMP to be flexible and able to reallocate resources to areas in immediate need, as in the case of large-scale emergencies.
Gender-based Analysis Plus
- A candidate readiness assessment is underway for the Emergency Response Team (ERT). The multi-phase development approach will identify a selection process for Regular Members interested in joining an ERT. This study will remove real and perceived barriers, and will standardize exercises and assessments.
- Several pilot projects are underway in "E" Division (British Columbia). A partnership with the Autism Family Network is in development to improve first responder knowledge of how to recognize and respond appropriately to people demonstrating behaviours consistent with autism spectrum disorder. The RCMP is also implementing the Safe Place Program, a public awareness initiative that promotes a partnership between businesses and police to provide a safe place for members of LGBTQ2S+ communities that may be experiencing harassment, crime, or bullying.
- An examination of the RCMP's Uniform and Dress Policy is underway and a survey was sent to all Regular Members to hear about what is most important in the modern uniform. Survey results will be used to decide which items to consider for a pilot project in which new pieces for the uniform will be designed. Once items are chosen for the pilot project, a diverse group of participants from various RCMP divisions will test their performance against climatic, geographic, and operational priority criteria.
- Geographic Information System (GIS) technology – used to map critical incidents and the distribution of operational equipment and training in an effort to visualize operational data – will help the RCMP conduct ongoing risk assessments, assess operational readiness, and support an evidence-based decision-making approach to determine future training and equipment needs.
- RCMP Victim Services in Red Deer City Detachment, "K" Division, Alberta, has been using a robot named Ard-E to reduce anxiety in young victims of crime when they prepare for police interviews and court proceedings. Interacting with the free-moving robot has proven to be a great distraction for children who find the police and court experience overwhelming.
Key risks
Contract Policing activities face a risk associated with the lack of an effective dispute resolution process, such as binding arbitration, within the Police Service Agreements. The absence of an effective process perpetuates the challenges of long-standing unresolved disputes, causing a deterioration in relationships between parties and the potential for significant financial liability for the Federal Government.
Under the RCMP's role in cannabis law enforcement, as the national oversight body of the Drug Recognition Expert Program, there is potential inability to update drug-impaired driving training materials to stay current with the trends of drug use. Such a risk could reduce the ability of officers to enforce newly amended legislation, which in turn would decrease road safety overall.
Should RCMP personnel neglect to consult and engage with Indigenous peoples and communities, such inactions could negatively affect efforts towards reconciliation. In addition, failing to provide engaged, culturally responsive, and distinction-based policing services could be interpreted as being inconsiderate of the unique culture and long-standing history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, further damaging reconciliation efforts.
Departmental result | Departmental result indicators | Target | Date to achieve target | 2016-17 actual results | 2017-18 actual results | 2018-19 actual results |
The RCMP provides agile, effective, and efficient contract policing services | RCMP weighted clearance rate Footnote 21 across contract policing jurisdictions | 64.5 | March 31, 2021 | 37.80 | 36.91 | 36.6 |
Percentage of RCMP resources deployed to emergency situations in accordance with Article 9 of the Police Service Agreements within established service standards | Tier 1 Footnote 22 85% Tier 2 Footnote 23 95% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | Not available | |
Percentage of surveyed Canadians within contract policing jurisdictions who agree with the statement "I feel safer because of the RCMP" | 80% | March 31, 2021 | Not available | Not available | 70% |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 24
2020-21 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) | 2020-21 planned spending | 2021-22 planned spending | 2022-23 planned spending |
1,548,098,203 | 1,548,098,203 | 1,563,415,952 | 1,561,435,136 |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 25
2020-21 planned full-time equivalents | 2021-22 planned full-time equivalents | 2022-23 planned full-time equivalents |
18,519 | 18,519 | 18,519 |
Financial, human resources, and performance information for the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 26
Internal Services: planned results
Internal Services are those groups of related activities and resources that the federal government considers to be services in support of Programs and/or required to meet corporate obligations of an organization. Internal Services refer to the activities and resources of the 10 distinct services that support Program delivery in the organization, regardless of the Internal Services delivery model in a department. These services are:
- Management and Oversight Services
- Communications Services
- Legal Services
- Human Resources Management Services
- Financial Management Services
- Information Management Services
- Information Technology Services
- Real Property Management Services
- Materiel Management Services
- Acquisition Management Services
Planning highlights
Human Resources
In 2020-21, Human Resources (HR) will focus on the People Strategy pillars that are integral to the RCMP's success. However, without significant financial investment, the HR Program will be challenged to deliver services in support of current and planned human resources requirements.
Theme | Activities |
Great People: Proactively identifying and onboarding individuals with the skills, life experiences, and perspectives the RCMP needs now and into the future. |
Great Work: Our environment is continually changing, requiring responses that necessarily address business requirements, as well as employee needs for meaningful and rewarding work. |
Great Tools: Equipping employees with the technology, training, and opportunities required to be successful in their existing and evolving roles. |
Great Workplace: Recognizing that work happens in a variety of locations – such as offices, police cars, and at home – the RCMP will offer workplaces that are safe, healthy, and enabling. |
More information on the RCMP's crosscutting indicators on workplace wellness and well-being can be found on the RCMP's website. Footnote 27
Professional Responsibility Sector
The RCMP's Professional Responsibility Sector (PRS) provides direction and leadership in the design, development and integration of a comprehensive, responsibility-based workplace framework that promotes professional, values-based leadership, decision-making, and behaviour in the RCMP. In 2020-21, PRS will address the number of existing public complaints to improve response times to the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission (CRCC) for the RCMP. The sector will continue to implement recommendations identified by the CRCC, as well as those stemming from a review conducted on workplace harassment by the former Auditor General, Sheila Fraser. Moreover, PRS will prepare the RCMP for full implementation of Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence), the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1, which strengthens existing frameworks for the prevention of harassment and violence, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, in the workplace.
Collective Bargaining and Labour Relations
Over the past few years, the RCMP has undergone many changes on the collective bargaining/labour relations front. This changing landscape presents a unique opportunity to adopt an innovative approach to collective bargaining and to build constructive relationships with the various bargaining agents. As the RCMP prepares for bargaining along with TBS to create a modernized and innovative workplace and workforce, it is seeking to standardize and improve the terms and conditions of employment for employees and also to improve the way it conducts business.
Departmental Security
The RCMP will continue to support the Government of Canada's priority to establish standard Insider Threat policies and procedures across all departments. The aftercare program component of the current Standard on Security Screening (SSS) is meant to include Insider Threats, and a five-year review of the SSS has been initiated by TBS. Following this review, TBS may establish common definitions and standards.
In addition, the Canadian Committee on National Security Systems, led by the Communications Security Establishment and comprised of all departments responsible for National Security Systems (NSS), recently approved a draft Standard on Protecting National Security Systems from Insider Threats. Over the next year, the RCMP will work towards ensuring that all NSS under its responsibility are compliant with this new standard.
Action, Innovation and Modernization
The RCMP is dedicated to identifying, supporting, and advancing modernization initiatives across the organization. Led by a Deputy Commissioner reporting directly to the Commissioner, the Action, Innovation and Modernization (AIM) office will ensure the RCMP has a sustained, coordinated, and committed focus on modernization efforts. Fostering an inclusive environment is at the heart of AIM's work, which is in line with the Government's broader priority of diversity and inclusion.
The RCMP supports transgender, non-binary, and two-spirit employees. To support horizontal initiatives to remove systemic barriers, the RCMP will develop a guide for employees and managers, and will contribute to broader efforts towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities, as well as under the Federal Anti-Racism Strategy.
Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+)
- The RCMP will continue to examine its Uniform and Dress Policy to increase its inclusiveness and new pieces for the uniform will be designed and tested. These efforts will ensure uniform articles fit diverse body types, and genders, while meeting a broad range of operational demands and environmental conditions.
- The impact of mandatory recruitment requirements on RCMP applicants will be examined to inform policies and processes, including the RCMP entrance exam, to ensure it is modern and inclusive.
- The RCMP will implement the findings of the GBA+ of the Awards and Recognition Policy, including the eligibility for periods of leave without pay (such as for parental leave) for the RCMP's Long Service Award. The policy will be aligned with Public Service best practices and consideration will be extended to previously excluded employees.
- An intra-departmental GBA+ Network and departmental Gender Focal Points will be identified and implemented across the organization to ensure greater distribution and availability of GBA+ expertise and capacity.
- The RCMP will also pilot inclusive facility design projects, which will be aligned with the RCMP-wide implementation of GBA+, with best practices applied to new and existing detachments. These efforts will focus on ensuring facilities – including change rooms, showers, and washrooms – are inclusive for people of all genders.
- A study of cadets at the RCMP Training Academy ("Depot") in Regina, Saskatchewan is underway to better understand the impacts of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and operational stress injuries. This study will follow new police officers as they move from the Academy and into fieldwork for a period of up to 10 years. It will use Apple watches, iPhones, and Hexoskin sensors to provide a unified protocol on mental health training.
United Nations' 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals
The RCMP has activities in support of Goal 9 of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation".
- A climate change resiliency project is underway in the Atlantic Provinces to identify potential climate change impacts, and potential service disruptions, and to provide recommendations on installation/implementation costs, maintenance costs, and lifespans for RCMP real property.
- The RCMP's Real Property unit is also completing the development of a hierarchy of solutions, including a reusable detachment design, to minimize costs (construction and operating), address greening and climate change resilience, as well as associated logistics, particularly in remote areas. Greenhouse gas and carbon reduction goals will be incorporated in the designs, as well as rightsizing, including the ability to expand a property's footprint. These new proposed practices for RCMP facilities will lead to a standardized and reusable design for small, medium, large, and modular detachments.
2020-21 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) | 2020-21 planned spending | 2021-22 planned spending | 2022-23 planned spending |
598,707,798 | 598,707,798 | 564,376,773 | 561,435,011 |
2020-21 planned full-time equivalents | 2021-22 planned full-time equivalents | 2022-23 planned full-time equivalents |
3,770 | 3,770 | 3,770 |
Spending and human resources
This section provides an overview of the department's planned spending and human resources for the next three consecutive fiscal years, and compares planned spending for the upcoming year with the current and previous years' actual spending.
Planned spending
Departmental spending 2017-18 to 2022-23
The following graph presents planned (voted and statutory) spending over time.
2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | |
Statutory | 451 | 436 | 472 | 461 | 462 | 460 |
Voted | 2,760 | 3,353 | 3,648 | 3,055 | 3,026 | 3,005 |
Budgetary planning summary for core responsibilities and Internal Services
The following table shows actual, forecast and planned spending for each of the RCMP's core responsibilities and to Internal Services for the years relevant to the current planning year.
Core responsibilities and Internal Services | 2017-18 expenditures | 2018-19 expenditures | 2018-19 forecast spending | 2020-21 budgetary spending (as indicated in Main Estimates) | 2020-21 planned spending | 2021-22 planned spending | 2022-23 planned spending |
Federal Policing | 914,360,618 | 1,013,748,334 | 980,552,171 | 870,180,294 | 870,180,294 | 868,632,661 | 862,409,515 |
National Police Services | 411,786,259 | 533,351,135 | 538,396,078 | 499,529,677 | 499,529,677 | 491,695,299 | 479,601,390 |
Contract and Indigenous Policing | 1,361,006,931 | 1,639,533,114 | 1,826,530,812 | 1,548,098,203 | 1,548,098,203 | 1,563,415,952 | 1,561,435,136 |
Subtotal | 2,687,153,808 | 3,186,632,583 | 3,345,479,061 | 2,917,808,174 | 2,917,808,174 | 2,923,743,912 | 2,903,446,041 |
Internal Services | 523,830,082 | 602,595,845 | 774,174,859 | 598,707,798 | 598,707,798 | 564,376,773 | 561,435,011 |
Total | 3,210,983,890 | 3,789,228,428 | 4,119,653,920 | 3,516,515,972 | 3,516,515,972 | 3,488,120,685 | 3,464,881,052 |
As shown in the preceding table, the RCMP's 2020-21 Planned Spending is $3.5 billion spread across its three core responsibilities and Internal Services. Of this, $1.5 billion is in support of Contract and Indigenous Policing, which provides policing services to provinces, territories, municipalities, and Indigenous communities under Police Services Agreements. An additional $0.9 billion is in support of resources devoted to Federal Policing, which encompasses all Federal Mandated activities as well as International Policing Operations. Moreover, $0.5 billion is in support of National Police Services functions that are critical to effective, intelligence-led policing. Lastly, there is $0.6 billion in Planned Spending related to Internal Services functions that support police operations.
2020-21 Planned Spending reflects the amounts presented in the 2020-21 Main Estimates. The planned spending is expected to decrease by $0.03 billion in comparison to the 2019-20 Main Estimates. It is expected that Planned Spending for 2021-22 and 2022-23 will remain relatively the same as 2020-21 (a decrease of $0.03 billion or 0.8%, and an incremental decrease of $0.2 billion or 0.7% respectively).
The decrease is largely as a result of sunsetting funding within the grant that provides income maintenance for disabled members or their survivors in the event of injuries incurred in the line of duty, and is offset by the continued implementation of initiatives announced in Budget 2018 and 2019. These initiatives include: Ensuring Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age; Supporting Those That Keep Our Communities Safe; the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy; Taking Action to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence, Harassment, and Discrimination; the Forensic Toxicology for New Drug-Impaired Driving Regime; Taking Action Against Guns and Gangs Violence; Canada's Migrant Smuggling Prevention Strategy; the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Interim Report; and enhancements to the Federal Policing Cybercrime enforcement capacity.
Although funding is decreasing in the coming year within the RCMP's Main Estimates, it is temporary in nature and the RCMP will be seeking access to additional funding primarily for disability pensions in its grants and contributions in subsequent planning cycles.
2020-21 Budgetary planned gross spending summary
The following table reconciles gross planned spending with net planned spending for 2020-21.
Core responsibilities and Internal Services | 2020-21 planned gross spending | 2020-21 planned revenues netted against expenditures | 2020-21 planned net spending |
Federal Policing | 890,990,797 | (20,810,503) | 870,180,294 |
National Police Services | 519,222,613 | (19,692,936) | 499,529,677 |
Contract and Indigenous Policing | 3,282,569,431 | (1,734,471,228) | 1,548,098,203 |
Subtotal | 4,692,782,841 | (1,774,974,667) | 2,917,808,174 |
Internal Services | 603,432,359 | (4,724,561) | 598,707,79 |
Total | 5,296,215,200 | (1,779,699,228) | 3,516,515,972 |
The RCMP's 2020-21 Budgetary Planned Gross Spending is $5.3 billion, which includes $1.8 billion in vote netted revenues, accounting for total planned net spending of $3.5 billion.
The RCMP vote netted revenue authorities are largely related to the provision of Contract and Indigenous Policing services for recoveries of eligible costs from the contract jurisdictions in accordance with the Police Services Agreements. In addition, revenues are collected in relation to the provision of protective services on Parliament Hill, DNA analysis through biology casework analysis agreements with provinces and territories, and for services provided by the Canadian Police College to the law enforcement community.
The planned vote netted revenues in 2021-22 and beyond are consistent with those of 2020-21 at $1.8 billion. Revenues will increase slightly year over year as provinces and municipalities seek additional police services within the Police Services Agreements.
Planned human resources
The following table shows actual, forecast, and planned full-time equivalents (FTEs) for each core responsibility in the RCMP's departmental results framework and to Internal Services for the years relevant to the current planning year.
Core responsibilities and Internal Services | 2017-18 actual full-time equivalents | 2018-19 actual full-time equivalents | 2019-20 forecast full-time equivalents | 2020-21 planned full-time equivalents | 2021-22 planned full-time equivalents | 2022-23 planned full-time equivalents |
Federal Policing | 5,119 | 5,213 | 5,072 | 5,027 | 5,030 | 5,007 |
National Police Services | 3,451 | 3,459 | 3,607 | 3,784 | 3,813 | 3,795 |
Contract and Indigenous Policing | 17,547 | 17,583 | 18,023 | 18,519 | 18,519 | 18,519 |
Subtotal | 26,117 | 26,255 | 26,702 | 27,330 | 27,362 | 27,321 |
Internal Services | 3,438 | 3,615 | 3,770 | 3,770 | 3,770 | 3,770 |
Total | 29,555 | 29,870 | 30,472 | 31,100 | 31,132 | 31,091 |
The RCMP completed a Departmental Review in 2018, a process established by the Treasury Board to enable the RCMP to bring forward recommendations on how the organization could begin addressing challenges in the short and medium term. Aligned with Vision 150, the RCMP will be focusing on its People Strategy, which speaks to an agile approach to human resources management that strives for greater diversity and inclusion, encourages innovation and intelligent risk taking, and attracts and retains a dynamic and engaged workforce as part of a modern RCMP.
The RCMP's 2020-21 planned full-time equivalents (FTEs) are expected to increase by 1,034 (or 3.4%) in comparison to the RCMP's 2019-20 Departmental Plan. This increase is primarily related to incremental resources within the Contract Policing Police Service Agreements, in addition to the continued ramp-up of initiatives approved through previous Budget exercises. More specifically, the increase can be attributed to planned growth in initiatives such as the continued implementation of a new federal framework, and increased toxicology requirements in support of the legalization and regulation of cannabis, the implementation of the Initiative to Take Action Against Guns and Gangs, as well as Ensuring Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age. In addition, further increases are anticipated related to enhancements to the RCMP's Federal Cybercrime Enforcement capacity, as well as the number of cadets attending Depot as a measure to better address the organization`s requirement for Regular Members. These increases are partially offset by the temporary sunsetting of International Peacekeeping and Peace Operations; the RCMP will be seeking access to the funding in fiscal 2020-21.
The Planned FTEs for 2021-22 are expected to remain stable with 2020-21, but will decrease in 2022-23 associated with the sunsetting of the Better Service to Air Travellers initiative and the implementation of the legalization and regulation of cannabis initiatives. Even though the RCMP is showing a decrease in planned FTEs, it is temporary in nature and the RCMP anticipates seeking access to additional funding to renew these initiatives in subsequent planning cycles.
Estimates by vote
Information on the RCMP's organizational appropriations is available in the 2020-21 Main Estimates. Footnote 28
Condensed future-oriented statement of operations
The condensed future oriented statement of operations provides an overview of the RCMP's operations for 2019-20 to 2020-21.
The amounts for forecast and planned results in this statement of operations were prepared on an accrual basis. The amounts for forecast and planned spending presented in other sections of the Departmental Plan were prepared on an expenditure basis. Amounts may therefore differ.
A more detailed Future Oriented Statement of Operations and associated notes, including a reconciliation of the net cost of operations to the requested authorities, are available on the RCMP's website. Footnote 29
Financial information | 2019-20 forecast results | 2020-21 planned results | Difference (2020-21 planned results minus 2019-20 forecast results) |
Total expenses | 6,175,703,214 | 5,561,803,817 | (613,899,397) |
Total revenues | 1,652,971,508 | 1,777,943,042 | 124,971,534 |
Net cost of operations before government funding and transfers | 4,522,731,706 | 3,783,860,775 | (738,870,931) |
For 2020-21, the RCMP is projecting $5,561.8 million in expenses based on 2020-21 Main Estimates and accrual information. This amount is exclusive of other changes to the operating budget, such as new initiatives or technical adjustments later in the fiscal year.
Corporate information
Organizational profile
Appropriate Minister: The Honourable William Sterling Blair, P.C., C.O.M., M.P.
Institutional Head: Commissioner Brenda Lucki
Ministerial portfolio: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Enabling instruments:
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act
- Enhancing Royal Canadian Mounted Police Accountability Act
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act
Year of incorporation / commencement: 1873
Raison d'être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do
"Raison d'être, mandate and role: who we are and what we do" is available on the RCMP's website. Footnote 30
For more information on the department's organizational mandate letter commitments, see the "Minister's mandate letter". Footnote 31
Operating context
Information on the operating context is available on the RCMP's website. Footnote 32
Reporting framework
The RCMP's approved Departmental Results Framework and Program Inventory for 2020-21 are as follows.

Image: Departmental results Framework and the Program Inventory - Text version
The reporting framework consists of the Departmental results Framework and the Program Inventory. The Departmental results Framework groups the RCMP's Core Responsibilities into three categories, all supported by Internal Services. The three categories are Federal Policing, National Police Services and Contract and Indigenous Policing, each of which is delivered through multiple programs in the Program Inventory. Each core responsibility has a departmental result and several indicators associated with it.
Core Responsibility: Federal Policing
Departmental result: Threats to the safety and security of the people of Canada and Canadian interests are detected, prevented, denied and responded to
Departmental results Indicators:
- Percentage of National Security, Serious and Organized Crime and Financial Crime investigations opened and cleared
- Percentage of incidents that impact protected persons, sites, major events and Canadian air carriers
- Percentage of International Policing activities that contributes to law enforcement operations against criminal threats to Canadian safety and security
- Percentage of International Policing activities that contributes to enhanced law enforcement skills and capacity abroad through peace operations and capacity building missions
- Federal Policing Investigations
- Intelligence
- Protective Services
- Federal Policing Prevention and Engagement
- International Policing
- Federal Operations Support
- Governance
Core Responsibility: National Police Services
Departmental result: Canadian criminal investigations are enabled by specialized scientific, technical and investigative services
Departmental Results Indicators:
- Percentage of forensic laboratory service requests completed within target time, by program:
- Biology
- Toxicology
- Firearms and Toolmark Identification
- National Anti-Counterfeiting Bureau
- Trace Evidence
- Number and percentage of specialized technical investigative service requests received and actioned within target service standard
- Canadian Firearms Investigative and Enforcement Services
- Criminal Intelligence Service Canada
- Forensic Science and Identification Services
- Canadian Police College
- Canadian Police Centre for Missing and Exploited Children
- RCMP Specialized Technical Investigative Services
- RCMP Departmental Security
- RCMP Operational IM/IT Services
- Firearms Licensing and Registration
Core Responsibility: Contract and Indigenous Policing
Departmental Result: The RCMP provides agile, effective and efficient contract policing services
Departmental Results Indicators:
- RCMP weighted clearance rate across contract policing jurisdictions
- Percentage of RCMP resources deployed to emergency situations in accordance with Article 9 of the Police Service Agreements within established service standards
- Percentage of surveyed Canadians within contract policing jurisdictions who agree with the statement "I feel safer because of the RCMP"
- Provincial/Territorial Policing
- Municipal Policing
- Indigenous Policing
- Force Generation
- Contract and Indigenous Policing Operations Support
Supporting information on the program inventory
Supporting information on planned expenditures, human resources, and results related to the RCMP's Program Inventory is available in the GC InfoBase. Footnote 33
Supplementary information tables
The following supplementary information tables are available on the RCMP's website: Footnote 34
- Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
- Details on transfer payment programs
- Gender-based Analysis Plus
- Planned results on workplace wellness and diversity
Federal tax expenditures
The RCMP's Departmental Plan does not include information on tax expenditures that relate to its planned results for 2020-21.
Tax expenditures are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance, and the Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for government-wide tax expenditures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures. Footnote 35 This report provides detailed information on tax expenditures, including objectives, historical background and references to related federal spending programs, as well as evaluations, research papers and gender-based analysis. The tax measures presented in this report are solely the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.
Organizational contact information
Mailing address:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Strategic Policy and Planning Directorate
73 Leikin Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
Mailstop #19
Appendix: definitions
- appropriation (crédit)
- Any authority of Parliament to pay money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
- budgetary expenditures (dépenses budgétaires)
- Operating and capital expenditures; transfer payments to other levels of government, organizations or individuals; and payments to Crown corporations.
- core responsibility (responsabilité essentielle)
- An enduring function or role performed by a department. The intentions of the department with respect to a core responsibility are reflected in one or more related departmental results that the department seeks to contribute to or influence.
- Departmental Plan (plan ministériel)
- A report on the plans and expected performance of a department over a 3 year period. Departmental Plans are tabled in Parliament each spring.
- departmental priority (priorité ministérielle)
- A plan or project that a department has chosen to focus and report on during the planning period. Departmental priorities represent the things that are most important or what must be done first to support the achievement of the desired departmental results.
- departmental result (résultat ministériel)
- A consequence or outcome that a department seeks to achieve. A departmental result is often outside departments' immediate control, but it should be influenced by program-level outcomes.
- departmental result indicator (indicateur de résultat ministériel)
- A factor or variable that provides a valid and reliable means to measure or describe progress on a departmental result.
- departmental results framework (cadre ministériel des résultats)
- A framework that consists of the department's core responsibilities, departmental results and departmental result indicators.
- Departmental Results Report (Rapport sur les résultats ministériels)
- A report on a department's actual accomplishments against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the corresponding Departmental Plan.
- experimentation (expérimentation)
- The conducting of activities that seek to first explore, then test and compare, the effects and impacts of policies and interventions in order to inform evidence-based decision-making, and improve outcomes for Canadians, by learning what works and what doesn't. Experimentation is related to, but distinct form innovation (the trying of new things), because it involves a rigorous comparison of results. For example, using a new website to communicate with Canadians can be an innovation; systematically testing the new website against existing outreach tools or an old website to see which one leads to more engagement, is experimentation.
- full-time equivalent (équivalent temps plein)
- A measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person year charge against a departmental budget. Full time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
- Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) (analyse comparative entre les sexes plus [ACS+])
- An analytical process used to assess how diverse groups of women, men and gender-diverse people experience policies, programs and services based on multiple factors including race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability.
- government-wide priorities (priorités pangouvernementales)
- For the purpose of the 2020-21 Departmental Plan, government-wide priorities refers to those high-level themes outlining the government's agenda in the 2015 Speech from the Throne, namely: Growth for the Middle Class; Open and Transparent Government; A Clean Environment and a Strong Economy; Diversity is Canada's Strength; and Security and Opportunity.
- horizontal initiatives (initiative horizontale)
- An initiative in which two or more federal organizations are given funding to pursue a shared outcome, often linked to a government priority.
- non-budgetary expenditures (dépenses non budgétaires)
- Net outlays and receipts related to loans, investments and advances, which change the composition of the financial assets of the Government of Canada.
- performance (rendement)
- What an organization did with its resources to achieve its results, how well those results compare to what the organization intended to achieve, and how well lessons learned have been identified.
- performance indicator (indicateur de rendement)
- A qualitative or quantitative means of measuring an output or outcome, with the intention of gauging the performance of an organization, program, policy or initiative respecting expected results.
- performance reporting (production de rapports sur le rendement)
- The process of communicating evidence based performance information. Performance reporting supports decision-making, accountability and transparency.
- plan (plan)
- The articulation of strategic choices, which provides information on how an organization intends to achieve its priorities and associated results. Generally a plan will explain the logic behind the strategies chosen and tend to focus on actions that lead up to the expected result.
- planned spending (dépenses prévues)
- For Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports, planned spending refers to those amounts presented in the Main Estimates.
A department is expected to be aware of the authorities that it has sought and received. The determination of planned spending is a departmental responsibility, and departments must be able to defend the expenditure and accrual numbers presented in their Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports. - program (programme)
- Individual or groups of services, activities or combinations thereof that are managed together within the department and focus on a specific set of outputs, outcomes or service levels.
- program inventory (répertoire des programmes)
- Identifies all of the department's programs and describes how resources are organized to contribute to the department's core responsibilities and results.
- result (résultat)
- An external consequence attributed, in part, to an organization, policy, program or initiative. Results are not within the control of a single organization, policy, program or initiative; instead they are within the area of the organization's influence.
- statutory expenditures (dépenses législatives)
- Expenditures that Parliament has approved through legislation other than appropriation acts. The legislation sets out the purpose of the expenditures and the terms and conditions under which they may be made.
- strategic outcome (résultat stratégique)
- A long-term and enduring benefit to Canadians that is linked to the organization's mandate, vision, and core functions.
- target (cible)
- A measurable performance or success level that an organization, program or initiative plans to achieve within a specified time period. Targets can be either quantitative or qualitative.
- voted expenditures (dépenses votées)
- Expenditures that Parliament approves annually through an Appropriation Act. The vote wording becomes the governing conditions under which these expenditures may be made.
- Date modified: