RCMP in New Brunswick Annual Report 2016
Working Together for a Safer New Brunswick
Table of Contents
From the Public Safety Minister
Too Many Lives Lost: Working for Safer Roads
Connecting with New Brunswickers
The Long Game: Working with Youth
Building Relationships with Indigenous Communities
Protecting our Most Vulnerable
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Part of your community
Every day, the RCMP in New Brunswick works hard, not only to solve crime, but to prevent it. From conducting checkstops to curb unsafe driving practices, leading investigations to help reduce the illegal drugs available on our streets, or simply reaching out to at-risk young people, we are committed to making a positive difference. While police have a vital role to play, our success rests heavily on strong partnerships within the communities we serve, with other law enforcement agencies and with our partners. Working together, we can achieve our collective goal in New Brunswick: to keep our beautiful province and its people safe and secure.
Tle'k Kwutanminaq
Te'sikiskik, Sikniktikewa'kikewaq Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik atikneta'jik, panuijkatmnew aqq naqa'tunew o'pla'tekemk. Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik jiko'taqatijik aqq enqa'la'tijik wenik kulaman ma' kepaqsayjimkuti'k, nikana'tu'tij tel-panuijkatmumk tel-piskwa'q wini-mpisun ntui'skasiktn wutank aqq apoqnmua'tijik nutqo'ltijik ta'n kitnma'tilijik, ketu' apoqntmek wula'siktn ta'n telo'ltimk. Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik keknue'k ta'n tel-lukuti'tij katu kulaman wul-pmiatew koqoey, nuta'tij apoqnmasuti wejiaq wutanl ta'n etl-lukutijik, pilue'l nuji-kla'qa'lua'timkl aqq wunaqapemuaq. Maw-lukuti'k, kisa'tesnu ta'n koqoey nuta'q maliaptasin Sikniktik: kulaman ne'kaw wla'sitew teli-anko'tmumkl aqq teli-westawikl wutanl aqq wulkaqnitew wikimk Sikniktik.
Wiciyawtomuhpon Ewikultiyeq
Ehtahsi Kiskahk, Nuci tqonkehcik yut nkitahkomikumon New Brunswick, sikoluhkhotuwok, kat tehpu 'kiluwapotomuniya memhuwi wapololuhkhotimok kenoq ona 'toqeci 'kolamatomuniya wapololuhkhotimok. 'Cipotuk tan tuci 'cuwi 'conelawa yuhut wosami kakawoqittucik, 'qeci nikani wewisiniya mesq petankuwetasikil wiwoneskahsuwikol awtik, kosona tehpu 'qeci 'qolopehlaniya yukt ewasisuwici mace wapolitahasulticik, nekayiw tehc wolluhkhotipon. Woli kcicihtasu nuci tqonkehcik ehcuwoluhkatomuhtit, ntahcuwapeman tena psiw etoluhkeweq naka psiw witoluhkemeq qaskuwiktaqiyil. Mawoluhkhotimok, komac ksahsonuwiw, 'kisihc mawi wicuhketomonen 'sankewawsuwakon yut nkitahkomikumon New Brunswick.
From the Public Safety Minister

Hon. Denis Landry
Minister of Justice and Public Safety Solicitor General
The RCMP, as the Provincial Police Service for the Province of New Brunswick, continues to play a vital role in improving public safety and ensuring the well-being of all New Brunswickers. By policing 98 per cent of the province's land mass and 70 per cent of its population, the RCMP finds itself immersed in almost every community in the province. From this vantage point, the RCMP is able to build and foster community relations, engage local stakeholders and collaboratively work toward developing positive and innovative solutions in preventing and reducing crime.
As one of many key stakeholders on New Brunswick's Roundtable on Crime Prevention and Reduction, the RCMP has made considerable contributions to improving public safety in the province.
Over the past year, the RCMP has worked with the roundtable to help advance the fight in reducing the instances and impacts of intimate partner violence in the province. They were a keen supporter in the development and introduction of the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Act, legislation intended to provide victims of intimate partner violence with more tools to increase their safety while they seek permanent solutions. They also played a positive role supporting the development of the "Love Shouldn't Hurt" Campaign, to reframe intimate partner violence as a serious social issue that we all can play a role in ending, and currently sit on the Intimate Partner Violence Community Coordinated Response Steering Committee.
Further, I want to recognize the efforts of the RCMP in working closely with our Emergency Measures Organization and our Enforcement Officers on a regular basis. In times of crisis and emergency, first responders are tested beyond limits in terms of their preparedness and response and it is partnerships such as these that are critical in ensuring the safety of our residents.
I would also like to acknowledge and thank the members of the RCMP for their dedication, hard work, and commitment in serving and protecting our communities. New Brunswickers rely on these members each and every day and we cannot express enough gratitude for their selflessness and willingness to put themselves in harm's way to protect our residents.
The RCMP is a critical stakeholder and partner to the Department of Justice and Public Safety, and again, we look forward to continued collaboration as we work towards a safer province, while maintaining New Brunswick as the best place to live, work and raise a family.
Hon. Denis Landry
Minister of Justice and Public Safety
Solicitor General
From the Commanding Officer

A/Commr. Larry Tremblay, M.O.M
New Brunswick RCMP Commanding Officer
There is something about New Brunswick that always calls you back. In the mid-1980s, I began my career with the RCMP here in New Brunswick at the Perth-Andover detachment. I spent 11 years in the province before moving on to other roles. It was truly an honour to return to the province last year as the New Brunswick RCMP's Commanding Officer.
There have been many changes in the province since I last worked here 20 years ago, but much has remained the same. As you'll see in this year's annual report, we continue to live in a safe province with one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Of course, crime does still take place and we must all be vigilant to ensure it doesn't grow roots. Public safety is not a spectator sport. The police have a role, an important one, but we cannot be everywhere at all times. That's why it's critical to have our communities and every citizen engaged in public safety. We have seen time and time again the positive impact an engaged public can have on keeping their communities safe. We regularly receive 911 calls from motorists to report impaired drivers so that we can get them off the road before they hurt or kill someone. Or a child is reported missing and the information is rapidly shared on our social media channels and in local media, and we're able to find that child quickly thanks to someone calling us with information about where they are. There are many more examples of how having everyone engaged is keeping our communities safe.
Partnerships are also crucial. The support we receive from our provincial policing partners at the New Brunswick Department of Justice and Public Safety is key to our successes, as is the support from the many municipalities and local service districts we police. Regular discussions with our partners ensure we're able to share with them what we're seeing as the greatest threats to public safety, so that they are aware and we can work together on solutions.
While it may sound cliché, our greatest asset truly is our people. The employees of the New Brunswick RCMP are known across the country for their innovation and ability to get the job done. I am grateful to work with so many talented and dedicated people. Thank you to all of them and thank you for your ongoing support of public safety in New Brunswick.
Frontline Operations: Building a safer New Brunswick

Chief Superintendent Ross White
Core Policing Officer - Criminal Operations
In 2016, crime rates remained relatively stable throughout the province, though we did see increases in crimes against persons. Our investigators and employees worked diligently on numerous highprofile and complex investigations. In a year that sadly saw eight homicides occur in the province, five of these cases were solved, while three remain under investigation.
Throughout the year, and particularly during summer and holiday seasons, the RCMP continued making efforts to communicate with the public about how to protect themselves against crimes of opportunity by always keeping the doors of their vehicles locked and valuables out of sight.
Major Investigations
Suspects in Baylee Wylie's murder apprehended
One of the highest profile cases in 2016 involved the search for 20-year-old Marissa Shephard who was wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for first-degree murder and arson in connection with the death of 18-year-old Baylee Wylie in December 2015. Shephard was arrested by the Codiac Regional RCMP on March 1, 2016 in Moncton, after a ten-week search. Two other people, 19-year-old Devin Morningstar and 19-year-old Tyler Noel, had previously been arrested and charged in connection with the murder. In January 2017, Morningstar was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. Tyler Noel also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison. Shephard waived her right to a preliminary hearing and will proceed directly to trial.
Searching for Jami Springer

Jami Springer, 28, of Moncton, was last seen on August 31, 2016. Since that time, the Codiac Regional RCMP has been working to determine what happened to her. In mid-September, police deemed her disappearance to be suspicious and sought public assistance to gather information about her whereabouts. Police worked closely with the family and Crime Stoppers to make a large-scale appeal to the public for information. In addition to the $2,000 award provided by Crime Stoppers, Jami's friends and family raised $10,000 for information that leads to finding her. In spite of this, and ongoing investigative efforts, she still has not been found. Police continue to investigate and to ask that if anyone knows what happened to Jami, that they please contact the Codiac Regional RCMP or Crime Stoppers.
Combatting deadly opioid risks
Opioids such as fentanyl are not currently as prevalent in New Brunswick as in some other provinces, however, we recognize that growing illegal use of synthetic opioids is putting our police officers and the citizens we serve at greater risk of injury or harm from contact with these substances. Fentanyl in particular can be fatal within minutes of contact or inhalation. In 2016, we began distributing naloxone (Narcan) kits among our frontline and emergency response policing units. Though it is not a failsafe, naloxone can work to block or reverse an opioid overdose. All employees were required to complete a mandatory training course prior to carrying naloxone on duty.
New Trunked Mobile Radio Communication System – Secure, Direct and Reliable
In an effort to enhance service, protect the privacy of calls, and allow police and emergency personnel to communicate easily, the RCMP in New Brunswick has consulted extensively with the Province of New Brunswick on the implementation of a new trunked mobile radio communication system (NBTMR). Implementation for RCMP members began in the fall of 2016 and will continue to roll out across the province in stages over the year. The new system is completely digital and fully encrypted. The system will also allow police to speak directly with police agencies in neighbouring provinces and with other first responders in New Brunswick, through linked communications systems.
Property Crime | 2015 | 2016 | % change from 2015 to 2016 |
Arson | 323 | 380 | 17.65 |
Break and enter | 3,244 | 3,220 | -0.74 |
Fraud | 1951 | 2,094 | 7.33 |
Possession of property obtained by crime | 196 | 266 | 35.71 |
Theft $5000 and under | 7,034 | 6,892 | -2.02 |
Theft over $5000 | 209 | 198 | -5.26 |
Total | 12,957 | 13,050 | 0.7 |
Fast Facts
More than 50% of RCMP employees in New Brunswick were born here.
History, Place, and People –Our Commitment to New Brunswick
We pride ourselves on being an integral part of the communities we serve, with a deep commitment to the well-being and safety of New Brunswick. Our employees are proud to call New Brunswick home and routinely go above and beyond to help create positive change, volunteer for those in need, and make a lasting difference to our province.
Every Action Matters – Honouring Becca Schofield

In January 2017, the RCMP in New Brunswick recognized 17-year-old Rebecca Schofield of Riverview with a Commander's Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Community Spirit and Leadership. She received the award for launching a campaign calling for people to perform acts of kindness to one another under the Twitter hashtag #BeccaToldMeTo. Becca began this campaign when she learned in December 2016 that she had inoperable cancer. The New Brunswick RCMP knows that every action matters when it comes to building safer communities. Kinder, more connected communities are safer places to live. We applaud Becca's initiative and vision, and we know that her efforts will help us to build stronger, safer, kinder communities. You can continue helping spread Becca's message by performing a random act of kindness and sharing it on social media as #BeccaToldMeTo.
For the Flame of Hope

For many years, the RCMP has coordinated fundraising activities for the Law Enforcement Torch Run in New Brunswick, with tremendous support and participation from police agencies throughout the province. Proceeds from Torch Run fundraising go towards the Special Olympics, a cause which is near and dear to many RCMP employees. The dedication of law enforcement in New Brunswick to help this cause is evident, with nearly $32,000 raised in 2016 alone.
Committed to New Brunswick
Some people falsely believe that Mounties have no connection to the communities they police because they are often transferred in or "posted" there. Some even perceive this as a weakness. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. Besides the fact that many RCMP employees do return to work in their home regions (more than 50% of New Brunswick RCMP members were born here), the "come from away" mentality holds little water in 2017. We value our diversity, and know that experience gained elsewhere can always be put to good use. Employees who relocate to new communities, often with their spouses, and children who will be attending school, soon become familiar and deeply invested in their new homes and neighbourhoods. Some even choose to stay for the rest of their careers and into retirement. Bottom line: Our employees care deeply and contribute a tremendous amount to the safety, economy, and overall well-being of New Brunswick.
A Proud Tradition of Service

Cst. Jeannine Breton began her RCMP training at Depot Division in August of 2015. The moment was extra special, because her badge was presented to her by her father, Insp. Luc Breton, Officer in Charge of Operations with the Codiac Regional RCMP. Cst. Breton was then posted to Bathurst, which, coincidentally, was also where her dad began his career back in 1985. During her first summer on duty, Cst. Breton had the privilege of working two night shifts with her dad.
Son follows in footsteps of proud RCMP parents

Graduation from RCMP training at Depot on January 25, 2016 was doubly special for Cst. Nicholas Desrochers, now working in Northeastern New Brunswick. He had the rare privilege of receiving his badge from both his father, Sgt. Stéphane Desrochers of the New Brunswick RCMP's Federal Serious and Organized Crime unit, and his mother, Sgt. Barbara Curwin, who was, at the time, with the Human Resources unit at the RCMP's National Headquarters in Ottawa. On March 31, 2016, he had the privilege of working with his mother on Parliament Hill, and in December 2016, he also worked a shift with his father in Tracadie-Sheila.
Helping families and children in need

A few years ago, about 30 RCMP employees from the Southeast region, including Codiac and Federal Serious and Organized Crime, began raising funds for the Greater Moncton Women's Progress Club, which works to empower women and develop resiliency among children in the community. Each year, the Club reaches out to all schools in the Greater Moncton area to identify families in need so that help may be provided, both at Christmas and throughout the year. This year, several individual employees even adopted families to support in addition to the group fundraising. In 2016, more than $2,000 was raised, with the proceeds going to help support 40 families, including 107 children. RCMP employee Jacinthe Lemire, who is also vice-president of the Progress Club, says it best: "The spirit of giving and sharing is alive and well in our organization and we are so grateful for the generosity of those who donated items and money to help strengthen our community.
Jail-and-Bail for cancer research

Sackville RCMP Auxiliary Cst. Daniel Mazerolle performs a fake arrest on Vince Casey, left, during a charity Jail-and-Bail event held in Sackville
On October 15, 2016, auxiliary and regular members of the Sackville RCMP participated in a Jail-and-Bail event held during the Relay for Life at Mount Allison University. A wooden "jail" structure was erected to house willing participants who were "arrested" with fake warrants. Then, generous members of the public donated funds for cancer research to have them released on bail.
Freecycling to Save Money and Spare the Environment
In recent years, the RCMP in New Brunswick's Headquarters has turned to "freecycling" as a way to get unused items back into circulation. Excess furniture and office supplies are gathered and redistributed by a committee for scheduled "Freecycle Days." Led by Public Service Employee Rita Dufour, this initiative reflects our employees' commitment to reducing waste and maximizing resources.
RCMP memorial to Cst. Larche, Cst. Ross and Cst. Gevaudan unveiled

Bronze statues in memory of Cst. Doug Larche, Cst. Dave Ross, and Cst. Fabrice Gevaudan were unveiled on June 4, 2016, two years after they were murdered by a lone gunman. Created by sculptor Morgan MacDonald, they will be a lasting reminder of the sacrifice these three brave men made in order to protect their community.
Fast Facts
The RCMP in New Brunswick is committed to employment equity and aims to foster a diverse and vibrant workforce comprised of men and women from a wide variety of backgrounds.
- The RCMP in New Brunswick employs 812 sworn peace officers: 662 men and 150 women.
- The RCMP in New Brunswick employs 578 public servants and Civilian Members: 466 women and 112 men
- 3.9% of RCMP members in New Brunswick identify as visible minorities, and 7.2% identify as Aboriginal
Specialized Policing Services - Advanced techniques for solving crimes
RCMP Specialized Policing Services include:
- Polygraph Services/Truth Verification Unit (TVU)
- Police Dog Services (PDS)
- Forensic Identification Services (FIS)
- Crime scene investigator
- Crowd control/Special Tactical Operations Unit (STOU)
- Collision reconstructionist
- Major Crime Unit
- Explosives Disposal Unit (EDU)
- Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- Incident commander
- Hostage negotiator
- Marine operations
- Underwater Recovery Team (URT)
Murder solved by fingerprint analysis
In February 2016, fingerprint evidence found by the New Brunswick RCMP's Forensic Identification Unit helped solve a homicide in Rivière-Verte. The body of the deceased, 70-year-old Roger Parent, had been found after remaining undetected for a period of weeks, which made the investigation all the more complex. In August 2016, 51-year-old Sylvain Bard of Edmundston was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 15 years.
Fingerprints supply much needed evidence in sexual assault case
In June 2016, the RCMP in New Brunswick's Forensic Identification Unit responded to the scene of a break and enter where the sexual assault of a young girl was also alleged to have occurred. Fingerprints were found at the point of entry, which placed a 30-year-old suspect at the scene. When confronted with the fingerprint evidence, he confessed. Bobby Mallet, of Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphael later pleaded guilty to break and enter into a residence, sexual assault, breach of undertaking and was sentenced to 965 days in prison.
Police Dog Services - Partners in crime fighting
Our Police Dog Services (PDS) unit responded to over 600 calls for service in 2016, ranging from missing person files to the apprehension of murder suspects.
On May 28, a PDS team successfully located a suicidal person who had been missing for seven days. On two separate occasions, PDS teams located severely autistic youth (aged 7 and 19 years) who had each gone missing from their families. On December 9, in -15 degree weather, an unconscious woman was found by a PDS team, in medical distress and in a concealed location, four hours after she had gone missing. It is highly likely she would have died if not for our PDS team.
On October 19, one of our police dogs located 4,200 fentanyl and 8,500 methamphetamine pills as well as an ounce of cocaine that had been buried.
Underwater Recovery Team
Our Underwater Recovery Team (URT) provides assistance to police operations requiring underwater investigation. URT perform search and recovery tasks for files such as missing persons and retrieve evidence. Members serving on this team are highly trained and certified for this very specialized and often dangerous work. In 2016, the URT were called upon to provide assistance in 11 cases and attended multiple training dives. They searched for missing persons, located a murder weapon, and a stolen vehicle, and recovered the bodies of two missing persons.
Technological Crime
In July 2016, our Technological Crime Unit assisted investigators in solving a Saint John case involving an assault with weapons and unlawful confinement. By analyzing data on a smart phone and a computer, sufficient evidence was obtained to assist Saint John Police with charging 35-year-old John Philip Trecartin of Nerepis, N.B., with nine offences including assault with a weapon, uttering death threats and unlawful confinement.
Trained and ready: emergency preparedness
In October 2016, our Emergency Response team participated in a multi-agency, full-scale exercise with multiple partner agencies including the City of Campbellton, Campbellton RCMP and Fire Department, Ambulance New Brunswick, District Scolaire Francophone Nord-Est, Emergency Measures Organization and Campbellton Regional Hospital. The School Action for Emergencies (SAFE) plan was activated at Polyvalente Roland Pépin, providing a rare collaborative planning opportunity between emergency agencies and the school. This tabletop exercise gave us an opportunity to test everyone's skills and work through response protocols. Such training helps to ensure responses are as seamless as possible in the event of a real emergency and tests interoperability between agencies and the sustainability of operations during a crisis.
Did you know?
Reports of missing people are one of the most common calls received by police and are always taken very seriously. In 2016, we responded to 1,287 reports of people missing, mounting extensive searches where required and sharing information on social media. In the vast majority of cases, those reported missing were found safe and sound.
Too Many Lives Lost– Working for Safer Roads

In 2016, 64 people were killed in RCMP jurisdiction on New Brunswick roadways. Most of these deaths could have been prevented if people had simply chosen to wear their seatbelts or not driven while impaired. Of those killed, 17 were in crashes involving impaired driving and 20 were not wearing their seatbelts. We continue working to do all we can to prevent this needless loss of life, and to promote safe driving practices.
In 2016 we conducted over 5,000 checkstops and checked nearly 260,000 vehicles.
890 people were charged with impaired driving and 316 were given roadside suspensions.
We know that policing and enforcement are only one part of the safer roads equation. We frequently reach out to the public with safe driving campaigns and communicate frequently about the potentially fatal dangers of impaired driving. We also work closely with a number of partners to help promote safe driving.
In November 2016, we joined MADD Greater Fredericton Area in tying red ribbons around trees to promote the Project Red Ribbon Campaign. Impaired driving is the #1 criminal cause of death in Canada. Please call 911 to report suspected impaired drivers. You could save a life.
Total traffic tickets given - 23,130
Speeding - 11,858
Distracted driving - 645
Failure to wear a seatbelt - 859
Fatal Motor Vehicle Collisions | 2015 | 2016 |
Total fatal collisions | 50 | 58 |
Total fatalities | 53 | 64 |
Impaired (alcohol or drug) Related | 20 | 17 |
Unrestrained (with seatbelts available) | 14 | 20 |
Motorcycle fatalities | 6 | 6 |
Pedestrian (cyclist) fatalities | 3 | 9 |
Fatal Off-Road Collisions | 10 | 5 |
Impaired Off-Road (alcohol or drug) Related | 6 | 1 |
Connecting with New Brunswickers
Every year, the RCMP develops social media content for special occasions and holidays in New Brunswick, offering safety tips so that celebrations do not turn into tragedies. We are also committed to sharing information about weather conditions and potential hazards on our roads. Our goal is to prevent unnecessary harm or loss of life, and social media is a powerful tool that helps us reach out to New Brunswickers, asking them to help us achieve that.
In 2016, our investigations continued to benefit tremendously from the engagement of concerned New Brunswickers following us on social media. Our followers shared safety tips, encouraged one another not to drink and drive, to lock up their vehicles, and provided information that helped police solve crimes and return property to the rightful owners.
We realize how fortunate we are to receive this public support and we continue working to ensure our communications with the public are timely, relevant, and transparent, while always remaining respectful and adhering to privacy laws.
We continue striving to find new and innovative ways to engage the public in helping us to build a safer province.
In 2016, we were honoured to be shortlisted for the international Social Media in Law Enforcement award for the third consecutive year, having won the award in 2015 and 2014. The New Brunswick RCMP is the only police agency to have won the award twice in a row. This form of recognition confirms that we are on the right track, and we are very grateful to our social media followers for helping us to achieve our goals.
Found and Returned
The power of social media extends beyond solving crimes. In October 2016, our social media followers helped us return an inflatable boat that had washed ashore in Erb's Cove and been brought to the Hampton RCMP detachment. While this may seem like a small thing, it demonstrates the power of connectivity and a public willing to share information and help others. Without social media, the owner of this boat may never have seen it again.
The Long Game: Working with youth

United Way All Star Coaches of the Outdoor Wilderness Program received certificates of appreciation from the Crime Prevention Association of New Brunswick's annual awards luncheon for their work with boys at risk for becoming involved in crime. From left to right: Aaron Shantz, Richard Babineau, Cory Esson, Kai Gosling.
Early intervention with at-risk young people continues to be a key facet of our long-term crime prevention and reduction strategy. In 2016, numerous young people were diverted from the criminal justice system, and their cases handled through alternate measures and restorative justice processes.
Beyond this, many of our employees are dedicated to working with at-risk youth in their communities to help provide them with positive experiences.
RCMP employee recognized for work with at-risk youth
The United Way All Star Coaches of the Outdoor Wilderness Program were recognized by the Crime Prevention Association of New Brunswick and the Department of Public Safety for their work with boys (aged 12-16) who are at medium to high risk for becoming involved in crime. On November 1, 2016, in Oromocto, N.B., four United Way All Star Coaches received a certificate of appreciation at the Association's annual awards luncheon.
Richard Babineau, Community Program Officer with the Codiac Regional RCMP was recognized along with Kai Gosling, YOU Turns Strategic Coordinator from Anglophone East School District, Aaron Shantz, outdoor wilderness guide and Community Coordinator for Our Food, Southeast N.B., and Cory Esson, a criminology student from Eastern College, for contributions to the Outdoor Wilderness Program for at-risk youth.
The program was conceived as a means to increase the availability of structured programs for at-risk youth during the summer months. Various youth-oriented community partners collaborated to design an experiential learning program that could build positive experiences and increase developmental assets among youth. It was designed as an extension of the work done by YOU Turns, a collective impact initiative undertaken by the United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB Region and various community stakeholders. Funding for the Outdoor Wilderness Program was provided by the United Way and various Government of New Brunswick departments, including: Social Development (Wellness Branch) and Tourism, Heritage and Culture (Sport and Recreation). In-kind support was also provided by a number of community groups and businesses.
Building Relationships with Indigenous Communities
In 2016, the RCMP in New Brunswick worked to establish four First Nations Community Policing Officer positions, and the hiring process began in early 2017. Those selected for these roles will be responsible for working with young people at risk in First Nations Communities, with the goal of intervening early and diverting them from the criminal justice system, providing them with opportunities to take different paths, and access to the tools and services they need to make more positive choices. A crime analyst position focusing on Aboriginal and Youth crime was also created, to help ensure resources are being used to make the biggest difference possible.
New member encourages safe cycling at Woodstock First Nation
Cst. Alexandre Bonesso decided to make a difference when he began his policing career with the New Brunswick RCMP during the summer of 2016. He observed that not all of the local children wore helmets when out riding their bicycles so he determined to partner with the community to raise awareness about this potential safety issue.
Cst. Bonesso received support from the band and the local Canadian Tire outlet. He secured enough helmets so that every child in kindergarten through grade six had access to one. The helmets were delivered at a community event where a bicycle safety awareness presentation was provided by Cst. Bonesso.
Protecting our Most Vulnerable
Combatting Violence and Victimization
Crimes against persons increased by 9% in RCMP jurisdiction in New Brunswick in 2016. All violence takes a deep toll on the victims and their families, as well as on the greater community. We continue to work closely with numerous partners to help curb violent crime, to rigorously investigate potential cases of child sexual abuse, and to intervene early whenever possible.
Nine children rescued from online exploitation
Our Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) unit works to protect vulnerable children from sexual predators prowling in cyberspace. The New Brunswick RCMP ICE unit undertook 175 new investigations in 2016, working cooperatively with local, national and international police services, other federal partners and using tips from the public. This work led to the execution of 36 search warrants that resulted in 24 arrests and 32 charges being laid. Nine children were identified as victims and rescued in 2016, four of whom were from New Brunswick.
These victims were from the Moncton area, the northeast corner of the province and the Saint John area. In the Saint John area, an adult male had been surreptitiously filming four children and two adults through a bedroom window in an adjacent house, as well as filming people using the washroom in his own residence. A 51-year-old man was charged with making child pornography and voyeurism. He was sentenced to more than three and a half years in jail. With the support of the Technological Crime Unit, the ICE unit and Forensic Identification units were able to execute a General Warrant and collect sufficient evidence to identify the victims of the voyeurism recorded in his residence.
Far too common, but never routine: a hard look at domestic violence
In November 2016, for New Brunswick's Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the RCMP in New Brunswick developed materials to help shed light on this widespread issue. Statistics showed our police officers respond to an average of 10 domestic violence calls per day in communities throughout the province. Information shared on social media sought to raise awareness of how seriously the police take all reports of domestic violence, which are always considered to be extremely high risk. Far from being "routine," domestic and intimate partner violence is very dangerous crime, with often deadly consequences. We all have a role to play in helping to reduce the number of victims. We cannot, as a society, turn a blind eye to violent abuse, as all instances put the fabric of our communities at risk.
Throughout the year, the RCMP continued working closely with the Province of New Brunswick and other partners to promote the Love Shouldn't Hurt campaign, which provides information and resources to those confronting domestic and intimate partner violence.
Crimes Against Persons | 2015 | 2016 | Total % change from 2015 to 2016 |
Assault | 4,870 | 5,020 | 3.08 |
Child Exploitation Related Offences | 97 | 129 | 32.99 |
Criminal harassment / Intimidation | 2,242 | 2,683 | 19.67 |
Kidnapping / Hostage / Abduction | 79 | 93 | 17.72 |
Other Sexual Offences (Including Prostitution, Procuring, Obtaining Sexual Services for Consideration) | 78 | 163 | 108.97 |
Robbery / Extortion | 134 | 158 | 17.91 |
Sexual assaults | 431 | 441 | 2.32 |
Sexual interference / Exploitation / Luring over the internet for sexual purpose on minors | 174 | 218 | 25.29 |
Uttering threats | 2675 | 2,870 | 7.29 |
Total | 10,780 | 11,775 | 9.2% |
Federal Policing - Keeping illegal drugs and organized crime out of our neighbourhoods

Superintendent Dan Nowlan
Federal Policing Officer
Federal Serious and Organized Crime members focus on combatting organized crime in New Brunswick, leading numerous, complex investigations into drug and contraband trafficking, smuggling, as well as working to ensure border and economic integrity.
Emphasis on Criminal Intelligence
In 2016, we realigned our criminal intelligence resources to ensure that we could remain focused on the highest federal policing priorities in New Brunswick:
- Serious and organized crime, including outlaw motorcycle gangs
- National security, including critical infrastructure and natural resources
- Border security, including land, air and sea borders.
Our Criminal Intelligence program is dedicated to human source development, criminal intelligence investigations and the analysis of intelligence in order to identify the most significant enforcement opportunities to pursue.
Fentanyl and synthetic drug seizure

Some of the over 12,000 pills seized from a Kedgwick area home in October
In October 2016, a search warrant was executed at a residence in the Kedgwick area that resulted in charges being laid against 42-year-old Danny Borris and 60-year-old Jean-Yves Borris.
During the search, police seized significant quantities of various drugs, including more than 12,000 pills (4,200 furanyl fentanyl and 8,500 methamphetamine), cocaine, hashish and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Also seized were two firearms, a conductive energy weapon, ammunition, illegal game meat, a stolen travel trailer, and two stolen all-terrain vehicles.
Both men were charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking in methamphetamine and cocaine. Jean-Yves Borris is also charged with possession of OxyContin.
Disrupting street-level trafficking
Northern New Brunswick
An investigation that ran between March and April 2016, targeting street level drug dealers in northern New Brunswick led to seven men being charged with trafficking. Kevin Mazerolle, 27, of Saint-Isidore, Jean-Guy Vienneau, 41, of Burnt Church, Flavien Savoie, 59, of Rang-Saint-Georges, Mario Savoie, 50, of Haut-Shippagan, Basélide Savoie, 70, of Rang-Saint-Georges, and Rémi McLaughlin, 23, of Maltempec were charged with trafficking a controlled substance. Following the initial arrests, further investigation gathered sufficient evidence to also charge Raymond Caissie, 48, of Six Roads, N.B. with five counts of trafficking a controlled substance.
Dieppe and Moncton
Between October 2016 and January 2017, investigators targeted street level drug dealers in Dieppe and Moncton. Thirty people were charged with various drug offences. During the operation, police seized marijuana, crack cocaine, methamphetamine tablets, crystal meth, hydromorphone, and methadone.
Men found guilty of first organized crime charges in New Brunswick
In 2016, two New Brunswick men, Shane Williams, 34, of Smithtown, and Joshua Kindred, 29, of Saint John, were found guilty of numerous organized crime charges including conspiracy, drug possession, drug trafficking and proceeds of crime charges. These charges stemmed from Operation J-Tornado, a major joint forces investigation led by Federal Policing Operations, spanning over three years and three provinces, and culminating in September 2014 with the arrests of nearly 30 people. The verdict for Williams and Kindred marks the first time in New Brunswick history that organized crime offences have been successfully prosecuted.
The same investigation led to charges against two additional men. Robert White, 43, of Saint John pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven years in prison. Anthony Joseph Edison, 39, of Saint John, was found guilty of trafficking, and three counts of conspiracy to traffic cocaine, heroin and marijuana, as well as being in possession of more than $5,000 in proceeds of crime, improper storage of a firearm and possession of an unlicensed firearm.
Men sentenced to two and a half years in prison for conspiracy to traffic meth
In October 2016, Timothy Sappier, 40, of the Tobique First Nation and Renald Laplante, 45, of Kedgwick were each sentenced to two and a half years in prison after being found guilty of conspiracy to traffic methamphetamine. They were arrested on May 30, 2012 as part of Operation J-Themis, a major RCMP Federal Policing investigation which disrupted a criminal network that was supplying large quantities of illegal drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana, into northwestern New Brunswick dating as far back as 2009. In addition to their sentences, both men will be required to submit DNA samples and will be prohibited from possessing non-restricted firearms for 10 years and restricted firearms for life.
Human Smuggling
Two New Brunswick men, Oneil Devost, 67, of Edmundston, and Richard Cyr, 50, of Baker Brook, were charged with conspiracy to smuggle a person across the Canada-U.S. border. This followed an incident that occurred in July 2016, when authorities became aware that a 46-year-old woman had entered into the United States illegally by crossing the St. John River in a paddle boat. The woman, an Ecuadorean national, was apprehended by U.S. authorities in Van Buren, Maine, shortly after she crossed into the country and she remains in the United States.
Drug Offences | 2016 |
Import / Export | 3 |
Possession | 1,104 |
Production | 266 |
Trafficking | 694 |
Drug Offences - total | 2 155 |
Other Federal Statute Offences (Total)* - 376
* These include, but are not limited to, offences under the Customs and Excise Act, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the Explosives Act, and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (including parole violations).
Fast Facts
In 2016, there were 146 cocaine seizures, with a total of 25.3 kgs of cocaine seized
12,982 marijuana plants (nearly 6.5 million joints) and 153.2 kgs of marijuana were also seized
Codiac Regional RCMP

Superintendent Paul Beauchesne
Officer in charge of Codiac
The Codiac Regional RCMP is the largest detachment in New Brunswick, providing policing services to the more than 116,000 residents of Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview. Services are contracted through the Codiac Regional Policing Authority, a governance board made up of representatives from each of the municipalities and the Province of New Brunswick. This past year, the men and women of the Codiac Regional RCMP focused on the main objectives of:
- Making the community a safer place to live and work
- Reducing property crime by implementing our crime reduction and prevention strategy
- Diverting vulnerable youth away from continued criminal activity and the justice system by referring them to alternative resources.
- Ensuring all victims of crime received assistance from Victim Services
- Enhancing partnerships with groups contributing to public safety to support individuals with mental illness
In 2016, we saw a reduction in property crime, increased enforcement of traffic related offences, and enhanced community partnerships to better protect the most vulnerable citizens in the community. By speaking and listening to citizens, engaging community partners and stakeholders along with the experience of our police officers and the analytical work done by crime analysts Codiac Regional RCMP was able to focus the necessary resources to solve and prevent crime resulting in a decrease in some crime stats.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
In 2016, the Codiac Regional RCMP saw a decrease in property related crime. The work of our Crime Reduction and Prevention Strategy, which uses an evidence-based approach to ensuring public safety, contributed to this reduction. The strategy is flexible and adaptable, focusing on crime trends in the community, which allows police resources to be deployed as effectively as possible, where they are most needed.
Finding ways to give police officers more time to proactively conduct police work is a big contributor to crime prevention. Working with the Vitalité and Horizon Health Networks has improved our response to calls for people suffering from mental illness. A Mobile Crisis Services Unit with certified mental health practitioners can be called upon by police to step in and provide timely care to those suffering from mental illness. This reduces the visits police officers make to hospital emergency rooms, thus allowing them to return to policing duties while the individual in crisis receives appropriate health care.
Major Investigations
Codiac Regional RCMP successfully arrested those responsible for a series of armed bank robberies in Greater Moncton during the summer of 2016. Many of these brazen crimes happened during the day while customers were in the banks. Luckily, no one was injured in any of the incidents.
On March 1, 2016, Codiac police officers arrested Marissa Shephard in Moncton after acting on a tip. The 20-year-old was wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for first degree murder and arson, in connection with the violent death of Baylee Wylie on December 17, 2015. She was the third and final person arrested in connection with that 2015 homicide.
In September 2016, Codiac Regional RCMP started an investigation into the disappearance of 28-year-old Jami Springer of Moncton. The RCMP New Brunswick Major Crime Unit continues to investigate her disappearance.
In your Community
Partnerships allow police to work with many organizations in working towards a safe and secure community. We work with many partners to find ways of helping to protect those who are most vulnerable in our community.
As members of the Moncton Public Safety Advisory Committee, Codiac provided "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design" training to business and property owners so they could create safe and secure spaces in and around their properties.
We also participate in the Greater Moncton United Way Youth First committee, an information sharing group where we learn about the common challenges community groups working with vulnerable youth are facing, and work together to find solutions.
Being a part of the Moncton Sex Worker Action Group (SWAG) has fostered a change in attitude by vulnerable women towards police. These types of engagement have helped police to reach into the community, build relationships, and better understand the reality of those they often come into contact with while on patrol.
Road Safety
Codiac Regional RCMP is committed to improving traffic safety in Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview through increased enforcement. This has resulted in an increase in the number of impaired drivers arrested and charged. In fact, in one weekend in November, seven drivers were arrested for impaired driving and three others were issued seven-day license suspensions.
The success has been due to regular checkstops on major roadways in the community. Locations are determined based on calls from the community identify traffic hot spots.
Specific traffic initiatives were implemented to help deal with speeding in residential areas of Dieppe, and work is underway to identifying traffic safety solutions in Riverview.
Looking Ahead
Moving ahead, Codiac will continue to work on the issues of concern raised by the communities, as well as crime reduction and prevention, road safety to reduce serious and fatal collisions, and on providing support to vulnerable people in the community. We will also continue working to ensure employee wellness, and to maintain accountability to the residents we serve.
Northeast District
The Northeast District encompasses the northeastern part of the province, from the Restigouche area to the Acadian Peninsula, south to the Miramichi Bay and Upper Miramichi areas. Northeast District employees work out of ten detachments, which are located in Saint- Quentin, Campbellton, Bathurst, Lamèque, Caraquet, Tracadie, Neguac, Sunny Corner, Blackville and Doaktown.
From District Commander Superintendent Tom Critchlow

Superintendent Tom Critchlow
District Commander
Being from New Brunswick, I was very proud to return to my home province last summer in the role of District Commander for the Northeast District. The past year has been a very busy one for the RCMP in the Northeast, and I am pleased to report the results of our hard work to our partners and communities, especially on our crime reduction and prevention priorities. We continue to focus on making a difference regarding the issues that impact overall public safety in our communities. Our employees, who live and work in the Northeast, understand the importance of working collaboratively with our communities to solve problems and improve quality of life in all corners of the District. The basis of all our efforts and hard work continues to be building and protecting safe homes and communities continue to be.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
The Northeast District actively targets crime hot spots throughout the district. In 2016, property crimes went down by 9% in the Northeast District (from 2,645 occurrences in 2015 to 2,415 in 2016). Approximately 900 street checks were conducted by our members in areas where crimes are occurring, with a focus on targeting the offenders that have caused the most harm in our communities.
In 2016, our Community Program Officers presented over 200 Education and Awareness Crime Prevention presentations on drug awareness, anti-bullying, and internet safety. Meanwhile numerous Peer and Self-Exploitation information sessions were presented to school children of all ages.
Major Investigations and Successes
Our employees worked on numerous investigations into serious incidents and crimes during 2016, a few of which are outlined below:
Our Campbellton Detachment dealt with two separate cases of first degree murder. In one incident, two men have been charged. Both were scheduled to appear in court in 2017. The second incident remains under investigation.
Our investigators worked on a large-scale, joint forces operation into a crime ring that was targeting cargo shipments in Quebec and New Brunswick, successfully dismantling the criminal operation. It began when a transport truck was stolen from Caraquet, and then used to steal a refrigerated unit containing $1-million worth of frozen lobster in Grande-Anse. The transport truck was eventually located in Drummondville, Quebec. The theft was confirmed to have been connected to a larger crime ring which targets cargo shipments in Quebec and N.B., triggering a joint investigation on a much larger scale, with the Sûreté du Quebec. The investigation, dubbed "Operation Obliger", recovered over $3-million in stolen goods. The individuals responsible stole trailer-loads filled with various goods, ranging from diapers and raisins to sparkling water and lobster. Three Quebec men and one New Brunswick man are now facing charges, including theft over $5,000.
A 65-year-old woman from Val-Doucet was arrested and charged with trafficking of cannabis, illegal tobacco and alcohol. She was fined in excess of $1.3-million dollars.
In Your Community
Over the course of the year, our employees made impromptu visits with students at numerous elementary schools, and volunteered their own time to help contribute to the well-being of our communities and keep young people engaged in positive activities. Hockey is a passion for many of our employees. Several of our police officers volunteer with local hockey organizations, including supervising the ice at an outdoor skating rink in Campbellton and keeping the ice in good condition, coordinating the beginning hockey program for the city of Miramichi, and managing and coaching children's hockey groups in Caraquet and Pee-Wee hockey in Tracadie. In March 2016, we participated in Journée de Hockey, an event hosted in collaboration with the Campbellton Fire Department, raising more than $21,000 for the PARTY (Preventing Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth) program, geared at helping high school students make responsible decisions.
Road Safety
The Northeast District RCMP continue to enforce safe driving practices in an effort to ensure the roadways remain safe for all citizens. This is done through enforcement operations aimed at decreasing aggressive, impaired, and distracted driving offences. Fatal and injury collisions have declined in our district as a whole since 2015.
Looking Ahead
Our commitment for 2017 will be to continue to improve roadway safety, as well as the safety and security of our citizens by preventing and solving crime. We will continue to maintain positive relationships with our community leaders and citizens, meeting with them and discussing issues that are important to them. We are appreciative of the partnerships we have within our communities and the continuous collaborations we all benefit from.
Southeast District
The Southeast District provides policing services to communities in the southeastern part of the province, from the communities just south of the Miramichi Bay, to the border of Nova Scotia, down to the Bay of Fundy area, surrounding some of the communities around the City of Saint John. There are 11 detachments in the district, located in Rogersville, Richibucto, Elsipogtog, Bouctouche, Shediac, Sackville, Riverview, Sussex, Hampton and Grand Bay-Westfield.
From District Commander Superintendent Costa Dimopoulas

Superintendent Costa Dimopoulas
District Commander
As always, 2016 was a very busy year in the Southeast District. We have continued to emphasize intelligence-led policing by working to have all frontline police officers fully integrated into the RCMP's Provincial Intelligence Model. Our frontline is supported by an effective team of crime analysts and our Crime Reduction Units are strategically placed in three locations in the Southeast District. Targeted investigations of serious crime committed by prolific offenders is a top priority for our investigators. Our Crime Reduction Unit has effectively dismantled several groups involved in thefts and break and enters throughout the southeast, leading to the recovery of thousands of dollars in stolen property.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
In 2016, our police officers investigated approximately 4500 instances of property crime throughout the region, working diligently to bring those responsible to justice. In January 2016, two men were charged with a number of offences in connection with at least five break and enters in Shediac and surrounding areas, dating back to early 2015. Jesse James Wallace of Scoudouc and Jesse James Saunders of Shediac River were charged with break and enter, attempted break and enter, theft under $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime, unsafe storage of a firearm and other offences. Following their arrests, a search warrant was executed at a residence on Route 132 in Scoudouc. Police seized substances believed to be cocaine and marijuana, as well as an unsecured firearm, computers, cell phones, televisions and musical instruments, among other items. Throughout the year, we also continued to place an emphasis on conducting street checks and curfew checks, and working with at-risk youth to intervene early and divert them away from the criminal justice system and criminal activities.
Major Investigations and Successes
In 2016, we actively investigated more than 80 unsolved arsons in Kent County and the surrounding area. Recognizing the concern felt by members of the community, we took steps to reach out to the public with information about the fires and our investigation, and continue to seek information from the public to help solve these crimes. Fortunately, no people were injured in any of the fires, all of which took place in vacant structures. We also investigated numerous cases of missing people, including successfully locating three teens from the Elsipogtog First Nation and a 9-year-old girl who had been lost in the woods on Indian Mountain, both in June of 2016. Reports of missing people are always taken very seriously, and we work closely with the public to gather information in all cases, most of which lead to the missing person being located safe and sound.
In Your Community
Throughout the year, we continued working with schools throughout the region to provide presentations on illegal drugs and making responsible choices. We also participated in numerous community initiatives, including many of our employees participating in a pumpkin carving contest with youth and shaving their heads as part of Cops for Cancer. We also hosted an open house with our patrol vessel, the CCGS Corporal Kaeble, promoting safety on the water. As in previous years, we also continued to work closely with First Nations Communities to ensure the safety of vulnerable persons and youth. The past year also saw us participate in the successful launch of the Kids and Computers program on the Elsipogtog First Nation.
Road Safety
We continued making concentrated efforts to increase safety on our primary and secondary highways by conducting targeted traffic enforcement. This targeted approach resulted in seizures of significant amounts of illegal cigarettes and drugs, and numerous charges of impaired and distracted driving. Nine people were also ticketed during a school zone, slow down operation conducted in Shediac Cape in February Recognizing that safer roads are a shared responsibility, we also continued reaching out to the public to raise awareness about safe driving practices, and participated in checkstops throughout National Road Safety Week and National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day.
Looking Ahead
In 2017, we will continue to place an emphasis on reducing property crimes, with a particular emphasis on thefts and damage to property caused by mischief. We will also continue working to reduce the number of lives needlessly lost on our roadways due to impaired driving and failure to wear a seatbelt. Recognizing that none of our goals can be achieved without an engaged and healthy workforce, employee wellness will remain a top priority, as will working closely with our community partners to help identify priorities and achieve our shared goals.
West District
Boasting the largest geographical district in the province, the West District provides services to the western part of the province, from the Madawaska area down to Charlotte County and the Capital Region. West District employees work out of 21 detachments, located in Clair, Rivière-Verte, Saint-Léonard, Grand Falls, Tobique First Nation, Perth-Andover, Woodstock, Nackawic, Keswick, New Maryland, Oromocto, Stanley, Minto, Chipman, McAdam, St. George, St. Stephen, Saint Andrews, Grand Manan, Campobello Island and Deer Island.
From District Commander Superintendent Lucie Dubois

Superintendent Lucie Dubois
District Commander
In West District, all of our efforts are aimed at making our communities as safe as possible. The strategies which have been developed and implemented over the past number of years have been proven effective in addressing the most pressing issues that affect public safety. Strategies which include effective offender management, youth intervention and diversion, analysis, education and awareness will continue to be cornerstones to our strategy.
In 2016, we faced numerous challenges, with a significant number of high-level occurrences throughout the district requiring a police response, including a fatal hit and run in St. George, which we continue to investigate. In working to maximize the safety of our communities, we focused on the activities that we know, through crime analysis, contribute to a reduction in crime and safer roads. Our communities continued to engage with us in identifying the issues most affecting public safety, as well as those individuals causing the most harm through their involvement in illegal activity. This cooperation is key to enabling us to continue to have operational successes and further improve the safety of our communities. I am pleased to report the progress we've made on a number of fronts this year.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
Throughout 2016, our employees worked vigorously to combat crime. One such initiative saw our members targeting our prolific and priority offenders. Increasing curfew checks, street checks and checkstops in specific areas helped us to gain intelligence and ensure the compliance of prolific offenders. Hot spots were also identified through consultation with our local communities and with the help of our crime analysts. Trends in crime, such as rashes of thefts from vehicles, were identified and investigated, and we reached out to the public to share information. Through the winter of 2016, the West District Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) assisted the Oromocto RCMP detachment with investigating a series of daytime break and enters. Numerous break and enters also took place in Fredericton. CRU liaised with the Fredericton Police Force's Neighbourhood Action Team to further the investigation. A search warrant was executed at a residence in Fredericton where the suspect was arrested and a significant quantity of stolen property was recovered. The suspect was charged with numerous offences.
Major Investigations
In the spring of 2016, the West District Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) assisted the RCMP's provincial Major Crime Unit (MCU) with what began as an arson and missing person investigation in the Plaster Rock area. The missing person's body was later found by a canoeist in an isolated area. The CRU assisted the MCU in a lengthy and complex investigation which involved several suspects. Ultimately, several people were arrested and are facing charges.
In Your Community
Promoting a safe and secure community begins with our youth. West District has been busily involved in different events throughout the year. Among the many, RCMP members in Woodstock participated in PARTY (Preventing Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth), as well as seatbelt safety and distracted driving presentations with a rollover simulator during Agrisafe Days/SécuriJour organized by Worksafe NB.
West District is unique in that there are four municipal police forces including Fredericton, Woodstock, Grand Falls and Edmundston, as well as seven border crossings to the United States within the district. This makes it absolutely critical that we work closely with these police partners and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). We continued to do this in 2016 by planning and exercising response protocols, providing mutual backup and working together on joint initiatives and investigations.
Fostering these relationships throughout our communities helps promote safety and security and helps to assure the residents of our area that all public safety partners are working together.
Our success going forward will depend on these activities and also on the degree to which communities continue to engage with us on identifying and working together on the issues and people affecting public safety.
Road Safety
Throughout the year, we maintained our focus on reducing the number of needless deaths and injuries on our roadways. Impaired driving, failure to wear a seatbelt, and dangerous and distracted driving remained priorities. Because we know that we cannot achieve safer roads without public support, we engaged in a number of education and enforcement operations. For example, during the holiday season, the St. George RCMP conducted Candy Cane Checkstops throughout the communities of St. George and Blacks Harbour, and on Deer Island. These checkstops were conducted in partnership with MADD Canada. Drivers and their passengers were rewarded with a candy cane and smile from officers.
Looking Ahead
In the year ahead, our focus will continue to be first and foremost on frontline police operations. In conjunction with our communities, we have committed to a number of key priorities in the areas of crime reduction, improving road safety and disrupting organized and serious crime. We will work with our current partners and forge new relationships which we can leverage to help us achieve our goals, which are ultimately the goals of our communities. In addition, the coming year will see us working to develop partnerships and initiatives to more effectively help support and deal with people suffering from mental illness, something which often brings people into contact with police. This is a significant public safety issue where we and other community partners must devote additional attention.
Division Overview - by the numbers
The New Brunswick RCMP remains committed to providing the citizens of New Brunswick with the absolute best policing service possible while remaining within its operating budget. We continue to work closely with the Province of New Brunswick to ensure that urgent and pressing priorities continue to be met and that we remain accountable stewards of every dollar invested in policing. Public safety is one of the pillars that contributes to the overall quality of life in a region, and we take our responsibility to best serve New Brunswickers very seriously, sharing in a strong commitment to both the present and the future of all the communities that we serve.

New Brunswick Population: 747,101 (2016 Census)
- RCMP Provincial Policing: 371,895
- RCMP Municipal Agreements: 146,813
- RCMP First Nations Community Policing: 4,088
- Policed by other police departments: 224,305
Area Policed : 71,353 km2
- RCMP Provincial Policing: 69,858 km2
- RCMP Municipal Agreements: 443 km2
- RCMP First Nations Community Policing: 38 km2
- Policed by other police departments: 1,015 km2
RCMP Established Positions
RCMP Personnel | Regular Members | Civilian Members | Public Service Employees |
Provincial Policing | 514 | 59 | 135 |
Municipal Policing (excluding Codiac) | 53 | 1 | 0 |
Codiac Regional RCMP | 141 | 4 | 0 |
Federal Policing (federally funded) | 136 | 25 | 32 |
First Nations Policing | 19 | 0 | 3 |
Divisional and Regional Administration | 17 | 22 | 116 |
Total | 880 | 112 | 286 |
2016-2017 Final Expenditures
Federal and Specialized Policing Services | 20,803,816 |
Contract Policing | |
Provincial / Territorial Policing | 83,205,174 |
Municipal Policing | 24,643,068 |
Aboriginal Policing | 2,366,353 |
Internal Services | 9,816,604 |
Total | 140,835,015 |
Federal and Specialized Policing Services | 2,605,510 |
Contract Policing | |
Provincial / Territorial Policing | 8,443,560 |
Municipal Policing | 1,552,076 |
Aboriginal Policing | 322,325 |
Internal Services | 245,375 |
Total | 13,168,846 |
Total Expenditures - $154,003,861
Our Commitment
As we move forward in 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP is committed to continuing to work on those areas of public safety which will make the biggest difference to the people living and working in the communities we serve. We know that far too many lives continue to be lost on our roadways, senselessly, due to impaired driving and failure to wear a seatbelt. We will continue to actively enforce these areas, as well as to reach out to the public to help provide them with the information they need to help us keep roads safe by making responsible choices, talking to friends and family, and reporting impaired or dangerous driving to police. We will also continue making an effort to share information that will help people reduce their risk of becoming victims of crime, including information about locking up property and resources for victims of violence. We will also continue working to combat illegal drugs, including deadly opioids like fentanyl.
We know that we are fortunate to live in a very safe province and we are dedicated to keeping it safe by working tirelessly to build partnerships, build bridges, intervene early with at-risk young people and the mentally ill, and by showing compassion, respect, integrity, honesty, professionalism and accountability in all that we do. Employee wellness and engagement will also, as always, continue to be a top priority, recognizing that without the devotion and hard work of our employees, none of our successes would be possible. To this end, senior management will continue making certain that all resources are deployed so as to provide our frontline police with support and intelligence, as well as with clear priorities and strategies for addressing those people and groups causing the most harm in our communities.
In Memoriam – Cst. Richer Dubuc

On March 6, 2017, Cst. Richer Dubuc was tragically killed in a motor vehicle collision while on duty. Cst. Dubuc was stationed with the Champlain Detachment in Quebec at the time of his death, but until early in 2017, he had been posted with the Codiac Regional RCMP in New Brunswick.
Richer was a husband, a father of four, and a devoted memb er of the RCMP who cared deeply about making a difference to the communities he served. Prior to becoming a member of the RCMP, Richer was a paramedic. During his time in Codiac, he also served as an Emergency Medical Technician with the RCMP in New Brunswick's Emergency Response Team, as well as with our Special Tactical Operations Team.
These extra duties speak to his dedication to public safety and to helping those in need. He made a tremendous difference to the people of New Brunswick, not only in the Greater Moncton area where he served for seven years, but across the province.
Our thoughts remain with Richer's family and loved ones. He will be deeply missed and the difference he made, the good he brought, will not be forgotten.
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